A Mangadex Desktop APP builded with Tauri and React

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Hello, everyone!

I have this desktop mangareader builded in react and tauri,
If you want, you can try it, on windows, macos and linux
the git repo is here
  1. For windows, download this and install the .msi file on your machine
  2. For macos, download this and install the .dmg file (or the app file)
  3. For debian (Ubuntu, Kali, ...) , download this and run
    sudo apt install [path-to-the-downloaded-file]
    and the app will be installed
  4. For other linux, download this and execute .AppImage file
(Note: if the AppImage does not work, use chmod on the file, if it does not work please report on the github)

⚠️ For the AppImage users, the images and the download features doesn't work ⚠️
(i don't know about the other linux but it doesn't work on fedora)

Current app features :
  • Manga search by title
  • Manga page
  • Manga Page (with list of chapter, related manga)
  • Group Page
  • Group Search
  • Chapter Reading (the chapter reading of the app still suck for now)
  • Chapter download (data saver not included)
  • Delete downloaded manga
  • Author Page
  • Updater

Current RoadMap :
  • User Page
  • Delete downloaded chapter
  • Download chapter in data-saver mode
  • User Authentifications
  • Chapter Uploads
  • Better Home page
  • UI Theme
  • A mobile app

I'll put here the realease notes here :

v0.1.3 realease:

Added 🎁:
  • a Dashboard page
  • an Updater
  • Recently added Page
  • Latest update Page
  • The Author Page
  • A notification system for downloading multiple chapter, if all of the chapter is downloaded, it will now notify the user with the number of success download and the number of failed download

Changed :

1. On the chapter componnents, we can now see if the actual chapter is downloaded or not, or even downloaded but it failed
  • for success download, it's a green check icon (✅).
  • for failed download, it's a orange warning icon (⚠️) . (i will change it to red in future)
  • for not downloaded, it's black download icon.
2. On the Manga componnent (the long one with the statistics), the error message is now fixed
3. The Mangadex Home page loading time is also fixed (a bit, it take like 2 to 20 seconds depending on your internet connection)
4. The Volume list of the Manga Page is now fixed
5. Removed :
  • The Vite, Tauri logo in the Mangadex sidebar (They have been moved to the actual dashboard)

Excepted Bug 🐛:
  • The statistics on the Manga Page doesn't appear :shamihuh:
  • Performance issues when you load too much of chapter on the Manga Page
  • Loading Time for some components
  • Sometimes, the seasonal manga on home page doesn't load correctly

v0.1.2 realease:
Added 🎁
  • Recently Added Page
  • IsPingable componnents (if the mangadex api is not pingable, an error will appear)
  • Pagination for downloaded chapter + Manga
  • Language chooser for Mangapage
  • CTRL + S shortcuts for manga and chapter page (a modal will appear and so on...)
  • Manga componnent variants
Changed :pepehmm:
  • The sidebar of the mangadex app changed (a bit)
  • To start/stop the offline server, you don't have to open the sidebar anymore instead we have the server icon at the side bar to switch the offline server state
  • The seasonal list at the home page is now fixed (the componnents inside doesn't clip anymore, i guess... :shamihuh:)
Note: i didn't remember all of the changes but update and try it

Bugs :
  • the manga statistics doesn't appear in the manga page (i tried to fix a bug in the manga page but it partially work)
  • Sometimes, some cover doesn't load (even in the manga page)

If you have a feature suggestion, please report to the github repo

the git repo is here
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Forum Admin
Jan 18, 2018
Oh wow I always wanted to try out tauri :meguupog:

Could you give a short guide how to set up a dev env or a link to a decent guide? That would be super helpful
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
First, you should checkout the official tauri website (the link is here)
They have useful guide which is pretty easy to follow

You can use any frontend framework with Tauri
but for the backend, you use Rust.
  • Like
Reactions: rdn
Jan 10, 2023
I did the same privately. Build sizes are really nice with tauri.
Dropped it 'cause I missed opening multiple chapters in tabs and the official frontend improved a lot since release (I hated it back then)
You'll probably have a bit more work with the new auth because tauri's address is tauri://localhost and not http://localhost but they have a plugin to fix it the lazy way :meguusmug:
One feature to add would be putting desktop notification everytime a new chapter releases from your follows (+ adding a system tray thing)

Good luck with your project.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Sorry for replying this post to put the realease notes.

(i don't know how to edit the main post...)

Anyway, I'm glad to tell that :

:glee: Special Eureka 0.1.4 is out now

⚠️ The updater for 0.1.3 doesn't work proprely. We will fix this in 0.1.5 ⚠️

🪟 For windows, the link is here

For mac, the link is

For Debian like linux , the link is here

For the other Linux, the link is here

Realease Notes :

For Mangadex

1 - Added:dogewow:

  • The Recently popular added on the Home page
  • The user page
  • The Recently popular page
  • A delete icon is now added of chapter component (You can now delete your favorite/or not chapter)
  • Offline Server AutoStarting
  • Chapter Reading Options
  • Translated language option
  • An user Option interface

SideNote : I downloaded like 250 chapters with 30 manga (+ covers) last month... about 5 GB of data, all kind of stuff. :haa:, for testing...

2 - Changed

  • Removed language chooser on Manga Page
  • Most of the links color are change
  • Mangadex home page loading stategry improved (it still slow if you have a slow connection)

3 - Excepted Bug :pout:

  • The mangadex random page sometime crash because of the titles
  • The Statistics doesn't appear in the Mangapage
  • The ServerAutoStart will sometimes popup an error Can't find server handle
  • The translated language not sync with the recently added on the home page

You can also discuss and report to the Special Eureka Discussions

For Mangadex related question, please use the Mangadex Special-Eureka Q/A Discussions

Or you can just reply this thread.

Edit: or you can dm me directly...

What will be added in 0.1.5??

First, a lot of optimization will be done and documenting the code so everyone can read and understand it.
Also, bug fixes and UI/UX improvements...

So, this means that there will be no features added in the next version

We need your feedback to improve the app
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Hello everyone,
It's been a while,...
Well, I'm glad and very happy to announce you that

Special Eureka 0.1.5 is now out. :meguupog:

A lot happens during these past three months,
i made a lot of adjustements and fixes...
and i'm still not satisfied but,...
i guess this is stable for production now...

⚠️ The updater in 0.1.4 may fail, you should use the link below depending on your system ⚠️

For Windows : use this
For Linux : use this link (if you want the deb file, use this)
For MacOs : use this link

Okay, enough talk;

The changelog

For Mangadex :

1- Added :pepehmm::

  • Right to Left and Left to Right sidebar in User Sidebar Option (you can do it with Ctrl + R but this will also reload the app window in Windows)
  • Advanced Research for Manga (there is still some improvement to do but it's okay for now)
  • Simple search for authors/artistists by name
  • Simple search for Groups by name
  • Right click menu for chapter and manga componnents (except Manga Popular Element on the Home page and the Popular Manga Page)
  • Double Page reading style (Awesome but still bad...)
  • An herta easter egg... (Push : Ctrl + H on any Mangadex Page for some kuru, i'm sorry in advance :sneaky:)
  • Analytics provided by Aptabase (just some basics,... if you have some suspisions, please check the code source)
  • Error handling for every page, Manga and Chapter componnents.
  • Chapter Navigation for chapter in offline (like chapter 1 to 2...)
  • License GPL-3.0

2- Changed :finnawoke: :

  • MangaPage Layout changed
  • Mangadex Home Page Changed too (a bit...)
  • Mangadex Sidebar
  • Chapter Page
  • Author Page
  • User links
  • Manga componnents sizes
  • Perfomance (good this time...)

3- Removed :slap: :

  • Bootstrap from UI stack (yes the old versions use boostrap... :meguusmug:)
  • Mangadex NavBar with the search bar
  • Offline chapter tab on Mangapage (this is now automatic for the mangapage)

An FAQ for myself (or for those one who need too :haa:)

What happened during these past 3 months ??

I'm currently at university now, and i have some homework and stuff...
but the truth is that... i'm not really satisfied but the app everytime i code something.
I always like "is it good" or "is it bad" everytime i want to code something.
If look at the repo commits, you can see that i'm really focused on this app.
I like this app and i want to upgrade it.
I have like 3 months of vacation so i'll take my time on improving this app.

So, is there will be an update schedule now??
Yes, i really want to share to everyone every feature that i build. (I <delete>want</delete> need some feedbacks}
So i want to set an update schedule of one or two weeks for these next 3 months.

Which means that the next update should be around 30 July 2023 (completely accurate source :meguusmug:).

So, what feature next??

First, i need your feedback for this realease.

If you had a feature request or a bug issue, feel free to ask or create an issue

Second, i want to add more websites like :
  • MangaPlus : They have some cool manga too (and yes, i have one manga that i want to read but not "readable" on MangaDex)
  • BilbiliComic : Just for fun 😁
  • RawKuma (for raws)

Third, i want tracking sites like :

Fourth, anime sites like : (I don't really like anime btw)
- GogoAnime (I don't know if it's the good site by the way 😅) : They have some kind of an API but i will look for those later.

That's all.

Enjoy the new update 😎.

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