Is this the first time we've gotten a full body shot of Condotti-san? I honestly can't remember, but either way, who knew a brigandine and ankle-length skirt could look so good.
@BCS @Grimmycoffee
The Spartans most definitely did kill off weak children. Newborn children were inspected by elders and if any deformity was found they would be killed. Moreover that's not even a particularly unique thing for the Spartans, the ancient world was brutal.
@JKLO Those are not pila, a pilum has different shape. Those are hastae, many Roman units in the eastern front re-adopted hasta (spear) to counter the nomad cavalry.
@tamago313 Spears are superior in a formation and warfare in general.
Most medieval-history nerds will say this and the author is an medieval-history nerd.