A restless girl and a restless girl - Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
@Benjansss LMAO You don't get to talk about civility when your bullshit can be seen a mile away when Republicans die. See George H. W. Bush. Also, You're from New Zealand? Stay out of America's political process. They don't serve you!

@mmscans Keep up the good work and it's rare to see a proud American patriot nowadays! These foreigners trying to push their BS ideology into American soil when they benefited greatly from America is disgusting!
Mar 23, 2019
@Benjansss @Oeconomist
Right, I'm up to speed now. I only saw the face on the left of the credits, didn't get was going on in the bubbles and assumed the Christmas came early comment was about the manga. With context, yea this is very gross but definitely someone trolling for the sake of it. Report the chapter &/or group, let the mods decide if it's suitably political to be removed.
Jul 17, 2018
@DesertStorm you are yet another perfect example of why the rest of the first world sees modern America a a place full of backwards uneducated hicks and a complete laughing stock (and now with the handling of COVID 19 the world now also pity’s the US for possibly the first time). Your comment isn’t even coherent why on earth are you mentioning George W Bush? “Stay out of America’s political process” I’m not trying to do anything to it, I’m just stating my view (something I would have thought someone from a country so obsessed with their just ok free speech wouldn’t criticise someone for) on a topic that concerns the whole world since the US is the worlds most powerful country. How the hell am I trying to push my ideology on “US soil” news flash the internet is not America, let alone the fact I am not pushing my ideology on anyone how blind are you? And finally “benefitted greatly from America” NZ hasn’t seriously benefitted from anything the USA has done since world war 2 and even then the US only joined in retaliation for pearl harbour. Get your head out of your ass, there are ALOT of worse countries but that doesn’t change the fact the US is deeply flawed and it’s people like you that hold America back from fixing those flaws. You think the US is better then the rest of the world? you don’t even have a true democracy just a primitive crappy republic.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
@Benjansss Looks like we got a smartass here who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about... George H. W. Bush is the father of George W. Bush who was also a president. A bunch of leftists mocked his death with a bunch of crab memes and they were overjoyed with his passing. That's frankly disgusting. Your ignorance is befitting when you keep sharing your mind when it's just as half-baked as your thoughts on the current state of the American government.

You have no fuckin' clue what your talking about! SMH! Nazis would be the ruling class of Europe and your country would just be another territory of Japan if US didn't intervene with their elite military resources.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you series is awesome and I can't wait to read chapter 2.
Group Leader
Jan 20, 2020

My grandfather regretted fighting for the allies in WW2 https://www.murdochmurdoch.net/video/?play=The%20Greatest%20Generation
Jul 17, 2018
@DesertStorm thank you for proving once and for all your a moron, firstly I didn’t even know that George W bush was dead (I don’t care what’s happening to PAST presidents or their families it’s irrelevant to current politics) secondly I obviously didn’t mock his death (as far as I’m concerned the people who mocked his death are just as horrible as those mocking RBGs death) if I didn’t even know he died, you grouping all “leftists’ together like that is literally as stupid as someone saying all right wing people are homophobes. You didn’t even read my comment properly (you obviously skimmed it) I said “ NZ hasn’t seriously benefitted from anything the USA has done since world war 2“ SINCE that means I was saying NZ did seriously benefit from US involvement (Regardless of why the US got involved), do keep replying though I’m happy to keep shooting down anything you say and make you look even stupider every time.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2020
I could just ignore this comment section, but screw it.

Firstly @Benjansss who are you to decide why a person translates a series? A person’s own sense of humor or political standing should not disable their ability to translate a series UNLESS they somehow change the actual series themselves. Is it a joke in poor taste? Sure. Does that change the fact it literally did nothing except piss you off apparently? No. Why shouldn’t they translate the series? Give me a good reason?

Secondly @DesertStorm good ol US of A, unfortunately the world isn’t only America and unfortunately American patriotism is now only worth two grains of rice in an abandoned alley way because let’s face it what even is American patriotism nowadays? Back when it actually meant anything it was during times of war where America was united in some front against a greater threat. When and how that all went to shit you tell me. Foreigners instilling their ideology on America isn’t a fucking thing because America WAS LITERALLY BUILT BY FOREIGNERS, so who isn’t a foreigner? Caucasians from Europe, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, or maybe the Natives? How about every other ethnicity I didn’t mention because there would be too many to list. America is a “free” country start fucking acting like it. Unless you want America to start being isolationist again which would kinda go against our American ideals don’t you think?

Lastly @mmscans thanks for the chapter.
Jul 17, 2018
@EggsNRice I never said they shouldn’t translate the series (I have no problem with them doing it whatsoever) I’m just genuinely stumped as to why someone like that would want to translate something like this that’s all.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2020
@Benjansss I don’t know why disliking someone would affect a person’s decision on why they would translate something, and from their comment it seems like they were more so disappointed by the lack of change/decisions made rather than hating RBG and for lack of better words “leftist movements”. Even if they didn’t support the movement why question it in the first place? Seems like a stand offish comment to have. Saying the joke was in poor taste makes sense, but why do you care why they translated the chapter? That’s like asking why would a straight person translate a gay series. Because they can.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
It's funny to see how stupid you are...
>I didn’t even know that George W bush was dead
George W. Bush isn't dead. It's George H. W. Bush. Are you really sure you know what you're talking about? Did you read my comment? I doubt it.
>I obviously didn’t mock his death (as far as I’m concerned the people who mocked his death are just as horrible as those mocking RBGs death) if I didn’t even know he died, you grouping all “leftists’ together like that is literally as stupid as someone saying all right wing people are homophobes
Well... Aren't ideal leftists supposed to be collectivist? If you support a semblance of leftism, you do know that collectivism is an ideal for leftism. SMH!
>You didn’t even read my comment properly
Yeah, you're projecting here. My point was just proven from your 1st sentence.
>NZ hasn’t seriously benefitted from anything the USA has done since world war 2“ SINCE that means I was saying NZ did seriously benefit from US involvement
Ungrateful Kiwis... We're currently running a trade deficit with y'all. So ungrateful...
>do keep replying though I’m happy to keep shooting down anything you say and make you look even stupider every time.
Super HIGH LEVELS of projection here... LMAO
Jul 17, 2018
@DesertStorm sigh just sigh, who cares if I didn’t use all the initials the fact of the matter is they are both George W bushes, god your really really grasping at straws. If collectivism is a common value of “leftists” (In America) I don’t care (in fact I think there’s many scenarios where Individualism is just as if not more important), just because I lean left doesn’t mean I automatically agree with all general left views/values in fact there’s ALOT I think are moronic bull crap, as an exsample I think Bernie Sanders is a arrogant nut job. The fact there’s a trade deficit doesn’t mean anything, the US isn’t doing us a favour it’s just a deference in imports and exports, the fact that we make more money off the US then the US makes off us is merely showing that NZ is making more products the US wants then the US is making products NZ wants, if America wants to change that then they need to make more stuff we want. If America completely stopped importing from NZ it would definitely hurt but honestly we would definitely recover the US is only our 3rd biggest trading partner and only represents about 9.4% of our export market and about 1.17 of our gdp. I’m happy to keep looking down that hole your digging yourself.
Jul 17, 2018
@eggsNRice they said they hope Im right that RBG will be replaced by a conservative bigot, as far as I’m concerned that means there someone who doesn’t care about or is actively against lgbtq rights. The only reason I can think of for why they would translate this series in light of that comment, is that their a fetishist but I’d prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt on that.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2018
> who cares if I didn’t use all the initials the fact of the matter is they are both George W bushes, god your really really grasping at straws.
Okay. Now, you're just making excuses for not properly reading my comment.
>Bernie Sanders is a arrogant nut job
Wow! What a profoundly ignorant take?! I'm sure your logic must probably be based on something rational.
> The fact there’s a trade deficit doesn’t mean anything, the US isn’t doing us a favour it’s just a deference in imports and exports, the fact that we make more money off the US then the US makes off us is merely showing that NZ is making more products the US wants then the US is making products NZ wants, if America wants to change that then they need to make more stuff we want. If America completely stopped importing from NZ it would definitely hurt but honestly we would definitely recover the US is only our 3rd biggest trading partner and only represents about 9.4% of our export market and about 1.17 of our gdp. I’m happy to keep looking down that hole your digging yourself.
Way to go off the tangent and argue about trade policy. You're clearly an idiot if you're just moving goalposts in between arguments just so you can be "right". I'm just emphasizing your ungratefulness as a Kiwi to Americans that afforded you with the ability to live in peace. Go off with that bullshit, then.

You're clearly freakin' ignorant with the bullshit you're spewing.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 20, 2019
Basically what @Benjansss is trying to get at is that he doesn't see why someone who would put something saying the death of RBG is like an early Christmas in their credits page would enjoy and translate a lgbtq related manga (as in yuri). RBG has done a lot for women's rights and the lgbt community. Saying her death invites an early Christmas is pretty much confirming you're a bigoted conservative ass. Why someone like that would enjoy yuri is what's puzzling. I guess you could be a conservative bigot like that and like gay stuff, but you'd be contradicting yourself. If they (far right conservatives) could all have their way people of the lgbt community would be in concentration camps like Russia was doing. https://theintercept.com/2020/06/28/welcome-to-chechnya-gay-men/
Jul 17, 2018
@DesertStorm fine believe whatever you want to believe your obviously a lost cause, say I didn’t read your comment when just I simply didn’t care enough to type out all the initials, say I’m just being ignorant for calling someone who wants to abolish the private insurance sector a nut job, say I’m going on a tangent when I’m merely countering a point you tried to make ( Ungrateful Kiwis... We're currently running a trade deficit with y'all. So ungrateful... “), and your seriously saying I should blindly respect America for something it did 79-75 years ago (admittedly a major thing), talk about living in the past the America now is a vastly different country to what it was then for better and for worse and the Americans I’m criticising had absolutely nothing to do with anyway, way to leech off your predecessors achievements, we don’t owe modern America anything, people like you need to stop thinking the world owes The US anything anymore and regardless of all of that I’m that saying America’s a dump through and through por there’s nothing good about it, I’m merely stating how it can be a far better country then it is now.

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