A Returner's Magic Should Be Special - Vol. 1 Ch. 60

Jun 16, 2018

It's not even brown nosing. It's that your "inconsistencies" and "criticisms" are shallow at best, and retarded at worst.

Lets imagine a few scenarios and what your complaints would be.

If she used her full power immediately and beat the guy in one hit: "Oh the fighting was so short and there was nothing to it, and now we're back into the shadow world hooplah"

If she used her full power immediately after literally being tossed into a wall and receiving a head injury: "Oh she doesn't need any time to recover from that surprise attack and can just win the fight because she's adjest rolls eyes."

If she can't use her full power immediately after the surprise attack, and has to struggle to survive before finally having enough time to regather her surroundings and use her full power: "Oh why didn't she use her full power earlier!".

It's the dumbest shit bro.

Your criticisms are that the fight is a fight. It's just a non-starter.

This isn't even getting into the fact that she was already kind of going all out. Her ice palace, to quote Desir from their last battle several chapters ago (chapter 36 to be precise): "She would use this magic whenever she felt cornered". And it's OP as hell.

Oh, and fun fact on top of that. She doesn't have the mana currently to maintain ice palace & magic sword at the same time. As was established in chapter 37. Meaning she has to drop her ice palace (Which is fighting the other estebans via ice golems) in order for her to use magic sword for a limited time since it consumes so much mana.

Giving her yet another reason, to have no immediately used this skill to end the fight with this 1 dude quickly.

"Inconsistencies" my ass.
Jun 16, 2018

Go ahead and try bud.

Because this is literally what the entire argument is over. Whether or not Adjest at the end there with the "winning mindset" is inconsistent with her in the rest of the series.

And the more I dig into it, the more it's not. She can't maintain magic sword and ice palace at the same time, as was established in Ch. 37, so she can't immediately use the high cost magic sword to end the fight, else she'd be burning a lot of mana and stuck fighting the rest of the estebans that her ice golems are fighting.

And her struggling to survive after being caught off guard is just normal story writing once you put that into place.

This is why I'm saying the argument that it's "inconsistent", or a "friendship powerup" or "she was weakened to add tension" are all a crock of bullshit. shallow arguments. And trying to say the fight is cliche is a complete joke.

I don't want to brown nose this series, frankly I find her sword too big for her to actually wield and her armor a bit ridiculous.

But I can't not "brown nose" the series when the arguments that the fight's bad are so shit.

Edit: And saying "LOOOOOOOL strawman". Or "LOOOOOL brown nosing". Doesn't actually make any argument. Gratz, you know a dictionary word. Now prove you actually know it.
Oct 27, 2018
@theonewhosighs i do believe you've misunderstood my use of "straw man". i'm not trying to argue with your point, i'm pointing out that you're doing a bad job of defending it.

i don't care enough about this series to particularly bother arguing about where and how it's bad
Jun 16, 2018

So what you're saying is, you have no argument and shouldn't have bothered commenting in the first place.

But you wanted to feel like a high IQ intellectual, so you threw some logical fallacy shit out there.

Got it.
Oct 27, 2018
@theonewhosighs it's not like it's a bad thing to be criticized about how your argument is flawed when you obviously care about getting your point across lol
Jan 27, 2019
tdlr: bunch of retards caused the current TL to stop with Returner's, could take quite a bit longer for the next chapter
Apr 16, 2019
if you want to read the chapter you can go to the bottom of the translator groups website and there should be a link to chap 61 and it's in English as well just not the website it self
Jul 5, 2018
BTW those of you wondering why we had a change in translator. Many kept complaining and making nasty comments until they drove the person out. I don't understand how anyone feels they have the right to complain that a translation is taking too long. The person is doing it for free taking up lots of their time and hardly ever even get thanked.
Said person was even nice enough to set us up with another team before leaving.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2019
@Angelxe1 It's not hard to imagine that those people did that on purpose to drive a small group of scanlators out of this series. There are a lot of big "scanlators" groups out there that will love to add this manhwa in their "active project list" in their website full of "pls donate" ads, only to release a chapter once a month or so to keep other groups away from scanlating it.

If that wasn't the case, we can only wonder why those people would not rather use their time being toxic on those groups instead. Their list of "active projects" are as long as the list of the untranslated chapters for every "projects" they hold.
Double-page supporter
Aug 9, 2018
I'm not sure if this will be read, and may be a little late, but thank you so much for translating this series up till now! It sucks that a vocal minority ruined the fun for everyone else, but the rest of us truly appreciate your work.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
They just did! Why are you asking such obvious questions? Do you want to die or something?

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