A Returner's Magic Should Be Special - Vol. 3 Ch. 137

Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
@Elki I am pretty sure it happens everywhere. It may not be broadcasted across the internet, but it does happen. It will happen because it is a deterrent. It may not be effective at reliably obtaining useful information, but it does keep the edge up which can deter some lesser committed criminals with just the rumor that "you could be tortured if...". And I bet that even if it was universally agreed upon to be wrong, every country would still practice it, just in the deepest darkest corner of their country. Because at the end of the day, humans are a cruel species that as long as there is a chance, they will do unspeakable things to each other if they believe the potential outcome is worth it.

Now is it right? No. Is it effective? No, not really. Do people still do it regardless? Definitely. And as per the UN involvement, you would have to first prove it. This alone is extremely difficult to do because in order to do so, you would need to a something which would likely either end with you admitting to espionage, "stumble" upon it somehow, get survivor testimonials, convince someone involved to come out and admit to it, etc. There is just so much of a hassle to do it that most wouldn't either bother or just assume they do it and carry on with their day. It is a sad thing, but it is just how the world is.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
Mc says they're changing the outcome? Aren't these simulations in a dungeon, not time traveling?
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@captain_crunch He just means the outcome in this shadow world. As in he can give this simulation a "happy ending." It's just lip service to comfort Pram.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@ZeroR3 Torture is not a very viable method of gaining reliable information. It's pretty inconsistent and there are anti-torture techniques. Just because it has been used for 1000s of years, doesn't mean it is reliable or extremely effective.
Jul 16, 2020
@Podi125 well you are right, but in that situation that was the most viable solution. Also mc probably did it for some personal satisfaction as well
Jul 16, 2020
@ZeroR3 torture isn't always viable because the person can simply lie or some cases chose death rather than opening their mouth. We don't have magic spells in real life. So torture is the best bet
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@KSHCKLD Oh I agree with you, I was just talking to the dude who was saying that torture is very effective. He didn't have much of a choice there, since he had no leverage on the person. Plus he wanted to make them suffer, so I get it. I was just talking about torture in general and how effective and consistent it is as a method of interrogation.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 22, 2018
@Podi125 I have a feeling you didn't really read what I wrote. Extreme effectiveness? That's not what I wrote? There is only one point I used again and again, and that is: "No more reliable or more effective method exists". Does it mean torture is extremely effective? Hell no. It means that while it is mediocre since some people can withstand torture or it can give conflicting or just wrong results, no better method of interrogating captured hostile parties was devised yet, and it is EFFECTIVE ENOUGH for it to be useful.
Let's look at alternatives -
Drugging - even less reliable than torture, and actually can count as one.
Blackmail - I would say it is more effective, but less reliable, since blackmail material is needed, like family member or some juicy info which can be impossible to get.
Bribe - won't work on very hostile party, requires willingness from captured and good enough offer. "I won't slaughter you like a pig if you answer my questions" also counts as a bribe😀
Talk-no-jutsu - While possible, yeah, not really happening.

Elki outright denied any effectiveness of torture, which is simply delusional.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 11, 2019
@ZeroR3 As I said, I was talking about torture in a general sense. So when you are saying, "no more reliable or more effective method exists," that is simply untrue. Blackmail IS significantly more effective than torture, since the information is significantly more actionable. Plus once you successfully blackmail them, they are a steady stream of information, which makes it more reliable. Torture is a pretty much a one and done deal. You might get a small bit of information, but the person is typically not lucid enough to give in depth details so the information isn't particularly actionable. The chance of them giving you false information is also fairly high, which can be worse than no information if it is taken at face value. They will say anything and everything to get you to stop. So its not reliable or particularly effective. I'm pretty sure Elki was trying to get at the fact that any information you obtain from torture has low validity, making it unusable, generally speaking. The intel you obtain from torture needs to also be verified from other sources, otherwise it's completely inactionable. In some cases it can provide valuable information, but in most others it does not produce results. So its not completely useless, but it's not particularly good either. If you have nothing else, then go for it, but other methods are more effective. It's something you should use when no other options are possible. It's the equivalent of a hail mary in football. You are right, it isn't completely ineffective, but it isn't anywhere close to the most effective or most reliable.
Jan 27, 2021
Dayumn. It’s easy to forget Desir spent 10 years wading through pools of blood and beating the shit out of motherfuckers. He’s a badass and a half.

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