A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

May 19, 2020
@firelight This novel in my opinion is great. The beginning is one of the best parts of the novel, and this arc atm is currently pretty slow, it gets really amazing, so follow along with the manhwa! The novel is also finished, so go and read that too!
Apr 22, 2020
It's pretty generic all things considered, story is kind of interesting, but also nothing new. The way magic works also isn't terribly unique, mostly just rehashed things from more popular mangas/manhwas. The whole noble vs commoner is pretty basic too. "Oh I'm a noble and I hate commoners!" "Oh I'm poor and I keep getting bullied by nobles!" That's about as much development as you get there. Maybe I'm being too harsh since it is supposed to be targeted towards a younger audience, but to be frank I'm not really sure why this has such a high rating. This one's honestly more like 6/10.
Mar 29, 2019
Is there any official source that the romantic pairing has been changed in manhwa compared to novel? The novel makes the pairing very clear. It's more unclear in manhwa version.
Sep 17, 2020
Loser Mc instead of becoming stronger himself making others strong such a waste of time
Jan 25, 2021
sorry my mistake for ch 134.
I thought this is from sk.scans but I got wrong.
sorry for this
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
@GEORGEM it's because the beginning was very good, with promesses of lots of differents universes, a MC that wasn't OP af who has to think a little, world building was decent (basic like you said but not unconsistent).

So lot of people rated the Manwha very high.
Then enter the first trial arc who is frigging too long and slow. And lot of people drop the manwha without changing the rating.

For my part I kind of dropped it, the pace progression is so slow I don't ever think this manwha will finish before I die (if it doesn't get axed before).
Have they even finished the first trial?
Jan 2, 2019
I just wish that they wouldn't have such a hard time dealing with these people. they've dealt with worse in their own world and they have gotten stronger right? It won't make sense if they have trouble with a single magician of the past but I know better and I am prepared to be disappointed.
Jul 30, 2018
I know I was reading this before, then took a break from all the stories altogether (I do that randomly, no reason behind it), now I don't know where I was at or where all the chapters went... time to look for one of those sites that steal all the stories.
Oct 28, 2020
Made it up to chapter 39 and then dropped it...It had potential and although it was a bit entertaining I found myself skimming through all the dialog around chapter 34 and instead looking at the art and reading only some parts.

The MC GOT SUPER annoying, he CONSTANTLY ALWAYS has a SUPER WEIRD FAKE smile on his face. How do you go from a present of hell where everyone you love and cared for died to returning to the past and then constantly smiling as if everything is and will be okay. At least look serious or concerned during serious times.
It gets slow and the characters just aren't lovable or the type that get you attached to them or make you root for them, personally I think this is a 1, and the only reason it has a high rating is because it started off interesting only to become boring and the MC isn't OP, yet smiles like some creep who never put's on a serious face or a worried face EVEN though in the past/future in chapter 1 he was serious...it just doesn't make sense.
Active member
Feb 13, 2021
Someone please tell me:

Is Desir analyzing their magic, or was it always supposed to be "reversing" magic?

Since every translator seems to have a different interpretation of everything.

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