A Returner's Magic Should Be Special

Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Why do they split into the groups then? If everyone is more or less the same people, just all part of one big group, why go to the trouble of doing multiple scan groups and not just one main big group? The only two reasons I can see is either A) Split into project specific groups which only deal with one or 2 manga with fast release dates, or B) to farm readers for money by double or triple "charging" the same person with misguided donations. Getting readers to essentially donate to the same people many times over because they think they are all different people.

I really hope it isn't the second one.
Jun 27, 2018
I guess LeviatanScans have their reasons removing their stuff. I guess will have to wait until they upload or could check their website. I honestly love this comic.
Dec 31, 2018
to people who think that scanlator groups are "dramatic babies".
do you wanna get sued and fined for money for doing this for basically free?
What I'm saying is find another fuckijg site salti baiches
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah, it's as if there wasn't a time when scanlators just "did it for free" with a "fuck consequences" attitude and a surprisingly good quality for a time when you didn't have to beg for money every now and then, only for staff.

Times change, yo. Your hobbies are now about money and who can get more people to donate (and fuck you if you point it out, that means you're being an ungrateful bastard that doesn't appreciate scanlations), things like DUWANG, as much as a meme it became, won't happen now because nobody wants to waste their time when they can just ask money for it (I don't think something like Ajimu's mad skill list is happening againyes, I saw Kumo's one, no, it doesn't come even close to Ajimu's). At least recent manga scanlation goes from somewhat acceptable to excellent, so I won't complain in that aspect, unlike some of the horribly awful novel MTLs (god, dividing short chapters in like 9 parts and adblocking all of them).

Let's scan! First month good! Second month good! Barely enough in third month. Not enough money in fourth month, let's just announce our retirement, after all this was for fun, wasn't it? Maybe someone liked it and will take our projects.
Granted, I neither belong to any scanlation group nor know (now or ever) their inner workings, so feel free to say I'm just talking out of my ass here.
Not saying that you shouldn't ask for money, but let's make any scanlation drama about the quality of the TL instead of "gib money", okay?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
just realized TL group doing this series is one who leaves... guess i'll go to their websit-NO.... i'll just go to mangahere or somewhere
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 8, 2018
@Dezaki The original translator of A Returner's Magic Should Be Special (Chapters 1-61) has returned to translating the series but on Jaimini's box website. It has better quality than Leviatan scan but sadly this series most likely will never be on Mangadex again
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
....In those times I'm kinda glad I can read portuguese, since it's translated to it and here. o3o

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