she knew that the letter was shady but she still went to meet and went BY HERSELF come on!!! was hoping she was smarter than this so i hope she proves me wrong next chapter by kicking ass or something
wtf bruh these bitches are so dam petty mayb thats why the prince doesnt fucking like u
i get that she thought he was teasing her or smthg but arent all letters from royalty stamped by the royal seal or smthg?? like goddamn tbh i expected more from her too ngl but maybe shell redeem herself next chap
Considering she was already suspicious I'm hoping she went with a plan and didn't just ignore her suspicions. I'm hoping we'll see the prince come to rescue her only to find her being the one harassing her would-be kidnappers/assailants.
Was the suspicious person suggesting to kill her that annoying Lune? She kinda seems like a very manipulative person. Can anyone tell me? Suspicious suspicious