Koe no Katachi

Power Uploader
Jan 21, 2018
@Seraphus lol reacting to a 2 year old comment.
I can't cause official releases aren't allowed here...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
First time see this manga from one-shot in Fakku! when F! still a free commie website, before becoming legal capitalist pig platform.

This is great manga that might open your eyes that school bullying is damn serious shit. Even the serialization needs to be heavily checked before released to public. That's why the author pull an unnecessary filler about creating short film just to reduce her burden from critic eyes.

Overall, it's good, but sadly it need to be end faster so it will not become a rotten cake if dragged too long.

The ending is obvious that they are going to be living together as family. Shouko's mother is just a good woman with unfortunate marriage life with dickhead.
Mar 16, 2019
I'm confused by the uploaded version for some chapters. For example 21 is called "Playing Friends". I called it that back on Batoto, and I wasn't with Pretty Anon. Sadly my memory is terrible and I've since lost archives of our group's scanlation. I'll read some chapters to jog my memory back, but just saying.
Edit: Looks like our scans are forever lost...
Aug 15, 2020
For anyone wanting to read this in English (as the scans don't appear to be here) there seems to be a website under the name of the manga which has them in English. But I'm guessing they just aren't allowed to be uploaded here.
May 6, 2019
Probably wasn't a bright idea to binge read this whole thing while tired. It was a beautiful read but I feel as if I missed a lot of stuff that I wouldn't have if I was well rested.
solid 9/10
Aug 11, 2019
It wasn't bad, but the hints at a possible romance, with no such romance ever happening left a bad taste in my mouth, this may be a spoiler but i didn't hide it, since knowing there is no romance will probably make it more enjoyable to read, it probably would have for me, or i might not have read it in the first place. (there really should have been some romance, a happy ending is one cliché i will never get tired of)
Aug 16, 2020
Hints at romance that will never happend. and a ending with no closure. just watch the movie and nothing else just wasted time
Oct 30, 2020
One of the best manga I've ever read. It's not only about romance, u know(those people who say this is boring because theres lack of romance.) It's also about growing up and correcting your mistakes and other stuff. Those who can't read the manga in english can read it in mangafreak
Oct 13, 2020
Foreword: this is NOT a romance manga. If you're looking for a sweet love story between an ex-bully and a deaf girl, look elsewhere.
Nishimiya's deafness isn't even vital for the story, it just gives a setting for the plot to unravel (she could have had any other disability, and most of the story would have worked anyway).

That said, the plot focuses on the characters' personal growth, highlighting their strenghts and weaknesses, and willingess (or lack of) to solve their problems.
You end up empathizing with them, and wondering what you'd do or say in their place.

7/10, but if I knew what to expect beforehand, it would be a 9/10.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2020
It hints romance. They do care for each other, but I wouldn't say it develops into a proper romance

I love anything that can be both heartwarming and heart-wrenching and this manga for sure does it.
An amazing story about empathy, growing up, redemption and friendship.
Character development from both MC feels authentic, is great, they are still growing up, struggling with what's ahead plus feeling the weight of their past.
We get a lot of full fledget characters that feels neither one-dimentional nor boring, they are important for the story and MC's development

Two things that I would like to point out.
First, there are some characters that are hard to empathize with, and that fine I guess, but I understand why they get to be so hated, something that goes against the persistant idea of redemption. But as I mentioned, they feel human because they are flawed.
Second, I found that the humor is a bit off, like, it doesn't quite reach to you. Well, it is a drama, that's the point, but most of the attempted humor kinda fell short (the movie hits the comedy a bit better)

Amazing drama and character development
I'm between a 9 and 10, but gonna give a 10/10 cos both manga and movie hit close

Btw, the movie (which should have totally been a series) was amazing but feels a bit chopped, especially for some arcs and defining characters. It is a great adaptation without doubt, go watch it also
Double-page supporter
Jul 2, 2020
Saw the movie and was so fucking unsatisfied that most of those jerks didn't get their comeuppance. Hope that's a different case in the manga

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