I complained about intrusive TN notes in a previous chapter, but this TN note is helpful in a good way. I picked up on the meaning right away, but I know that it's hard to identify sarcasm and irony in writing when English isn't your first language. So I just want to say thanks for being thoughtful of others in a way that doesn't hamper my own experience.
I don't get Nora's family dynamic. Is he the real son? I don't get what the issue is there. Not sure if it has not been fully explained yet or if I just missed everything.
Why is his family so dysfunctional?
Really great translation! Very light, and I appreciate all your guys' hard work.
Welp, looks like the duke was abused as a child, and thought being severe was the best parenting for Nora... I do feel bad for him, but I still don't forgive him.
So Duke was also subjected to harsh mistreatment as the heir to the dukedom and he is doing the same to his own son, while treating the prince as his own son because of a promise he made to the Empress he was in love with? What a messed up father.