It isn't bullshit.
Go on, tell me who the tomboys are who don't wear skirts in any recent anime or manga. Because I have slogged through a ton of stuff I do not want to consume just to find stuff.
In gender benders alone, the amount of "Oh you're a girl now" bullshit is infuriating.
And yeah, this is a Real Life thing too. I asked my Japanese friend about it because I was so confused. When I go outside, I have a hard time seeing anyone in a skirt, yet they are everywhere in Japan. She said it was because Japan likes skirts and that she likes them too, which is why when she is in America she feels more girly than when in Japan due to how skirts are much rarer here.
which is why there are almost no tomboys in manga and why Vtubers are so girly and why skirts are almost mandatory in anime even when fighting.
Yes, it is. You said three things, all of which were bullshit.
This girl has worn all sorts of clothing: skirts, dresses, jeans, you name it, and still kicks ass.
Here's a more recent one.
1. There are tomboys in manga. Many. Hundreds. Even in old manga like DBZ, we've had tomboys.
2. JP Vtubers are girly if they want to be. Not all of them are "girly" in a traditional sense. They might look girly, doesn't mean they always act so.
3. Artistic choice. Almost mandatory? So it's not required. Therefore, it's not a rule. Skirts are mandatory as much as trousers are.
Go on, tell me who the tomboys are who don't wear skirts in any recent anime or manga. Because I have slogged through a ton of stuff I do not want to consume just to find stuff.
Are tomboys banned from wearing skirts now to prove they are tomboys? Sounds like you think tomboys can never wear skirts or dresses, and that shows the beginning of your ignorance. Tomboys are not just about wearing jeans and getting short haircut. It's 2023 and things that only tomboys do a long time ago aren't so uncommon anymore. This is like dropping a manga because a boy is drawn wearing trouser. If seeing tomboys wearing skirts or dresses triggers you and is enough to not make you want to read a story, sorry I can't help you with your personal problem.
In gender benders alone, the amount of "Oh you're a girl now" bullshit is infuriating.
I don't know what this has to do with anything. It's easier and more socially acceptable for a girl to wear skirt. So if a dude becomes a girl, might as well take the chance to try wearing a skirt.
And yeah, this is a Real Life thing too. I asked my Japanese friend about it because I was so confused. When I go outside, I have a hard time seeing anyone in a skirt, yet they are everywhere in Japan. She said it was because Japan likes skirts and that she likes them too, which is why when she is in America she feels more girly than when in Japan due to how skirts are much rarer here.
So...? Again, completely irrelevant.
I assume you're from the US or some western countries where women tend to wear trousers. Widen your perspective more instead of spreading nonsense. Have you seen at least videos of people from Asian countries, like Vietnam, or Korea? Women in those countries dress much more variably. Some wear trousers, some wear dresses, some wear skirts, ect. Their sense of fashion is much more interesting than American women. Oh, and some of them are tomboys, too. I fail to see how this is a problem.
Women, tomboy or not, have more choices in fashion. They can wear dresses, skirts, trousers, whatever they feel like. Male characters, like men in real life, are often limited to just typical pants or shorts. So, to make characters distinguishable, one thing the artist can do is have female characters wear something different than male characters. Again, not a rule, but the artist's choice. Complaining about a girl, tomboy or not, wearing skirt or dress, because she has more choices, is nonsense.
Sounds like somebody hates anything associated with femininity and wants the world to conform to them, too. Heh.