A Story About Treating a Female Knight, Who Has Never Been Treated as a Woman, as a Woman - Ch. 118 - The Imperial Knight and Unrequited Love

Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2020
Wow,a proper rejection, this is rare to see in a harem manga and damn he may actually die, if he keeps doing this, now this is the love i wanted to see in a harem manga and poor fleur,she is a good waifu,hope she gets some love or does not give up and the ending be like a semi-harem ending
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
I hope this ends like the croc manga, Fooly has to die, none of this deux ex bullshit please!

Apr 11, 2020

Ikr, what's with this cutesy pupy eyes cover page

(If you want to set cutesy cover, make it helga and i will silence myself)
Group Leader
Oct 11, 2019
@jokerxhisoka Just because they aren't real doesn't mean discussing the possibilities for why a character would fall in love is wrong... That's just extremely basic analysis. The entire point of characters in any form of entertainment is to see them as a fully realized person. What they like, what they don't, how they'd react to certain situations, these are all things that a writer and reader should consider when viewing a character, and it's why shallow characters that don't have enough thought put into them by the writer tend to be forgettable as a reader, because you can't even begin to delve into figuring anything out about the character aside from how they look.
That is one of the biggest flaws in nearly ever harem/isekai story. The author usually can come up with interesting character designs, but they nearly never put any though into the actual characters.
Jan 23, 2018
@DrHizzle He was defending the author using a cliche as a characteristic of the character, as if it was a characteristic of a real person. Because of that, it is something that no one has control of and they were "born" like that. When, in actuality, it was just a choice the author made. We weren't even "discussing the possibilities" to begin with. As I've said, the author used a trope in this part just not have to make something more complicated, detailed or compelling, and that's just bad writing.
Group Leader
Oct 11, 2019
@jokerxhisoka He was saying that using the cliche here isn't that bad because people can fall in love for any reason, so why can't characters?
Also the occasional cliche isn't bad, the issue is when everything about a character or story is a cliche. One stray cliche could still be a legitimate character trait or plot point so long as it's not ludicrously unbelievable, which is what Guytsu is arguing is the case here.

This is a world where people put themselves in danger on a daily basis. Someone being saved and falling for the person that saved them is not unbelievable.
It's also entirely possible that this was a subtle jab at the overuse of this trope in other fantasy manga, where the reason for the love interest falling for the MC is almost always because they were saved by the MC.
Before you say "why is it a bad trope in those shows but not here", please note that this manga has a slow building well developed romance from the FMC towards the MC, so using this trope in this situation isn't just the cop out go to cliche the writer chooses to use to introduce a love interest because he can't write a better scenario. It very well could be used just to show exactly what Guytsu was saying: people can fall in love for any reason and it doesn't always make sense.
Jan 23, 2018
@DrHizzle just overusing tropes isn't the only problem, using them incorrectly is a problem as well. In this situation it felt lazy and predictable.
"slow building well developed", it wasn't well developed at all. She started to show feelings for Fooly since the very beginning and acted like a violent tsundere since a few chapters ago, but abruptly changed the way how she acts towards him. Now, Fooly, it was established in the first chapter that he was madly in love with Leo and it was never said or mentioned on any chapter his reasoning, but after 117 chapters the author only used 1 page to explain it. That doesn't look like well developed for me.
I don't even wanna talk about the gender bender chapters.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2019
If Fluer was a little less vat shit crazy then she would be on par with Helga.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 13, 2020
People asking who is Fleur talking with... Did they already forgot about Melvie?
Double-page supporter
Jul 14, 2020

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