@Raffro yeah, I was anticipating to see if his power would work on them. Clever author actually making an interesting cliffhanger and not returning to it immediately.
I mean, we clearly knew something was unreal about the brother, but the sister possibly having something isn't too out there. It's like "Hey, did you know that in your family tree, you're partially Irish?" or something similar.
Wow, so talkative and accepting of a girl coming out and stabbing him in the eye. I have a strange lack of worry for her immediate future at the moment. I feel like she's going to end up being the most powerful one if we're honest. We're obviously meant to see her brother and immediately assume what's happening, but she comes from the same stock, even if she's not manifesting weird symptoms.
But not exactly a "child".
The god might just do it because the cult wants something and give sacrifice according to the rules they agreed on.
The cult can treat them like living god or not. The kids have advantage of being inhuman, but it will be their own responsibility to survive. Their "father" won't care.