A Villainess No More - Ch. 10

Jan 22, 2018
Loving this series! The leads are great so far.

Thank you so much Secret Land Castle team!
Mar 12, 2019
im so addicted to this manhua…the mc is great and man, the scan quality is amazing too. ty slc team:)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
aaaaah, i respect that they don't believe in love (i don't think i do either but idk lol) but i want them to fall in love. BE LOVEY DOVEY!!! (yes i know i don't make sense lol) anyway i love athy, she immediately went on a recon mission lol HOPE WE GET TO SEE HER KICK ASS NEXT CHAPTER it looked like stuff was about to go down from that cliffie

thank you very much for the double update!
Jul 30, 2019
"Don't worry, I will protect you", lobe you Athy 😆
Don't worry butler, she can protect you and herself, really 😆
@mammaria I like how direct they are, for some this can sound as cold, but I get that in thus noble reality, where you priorities the benefits or how help your kingdom before you, I can pass that. And they are honestly straight up. Also, I think they will fall in love, not only because of the raws, but the way they accept their "rumor title" and act, they will be cute together 😍❤️
Jun 20, 2019
I absolutely enjoying this comic! I bet this would be a great slow burn where they slowly unmasked their masks they show to the public. And I really like the ML and MC here! They are great characters.
Double-page supporter
Jan 19, 2018
As relatively fun as this is I'm left thinking the story would be more interesting if she had actually done something to earn the title of "The Evil Lady". Otherwise it's just more nonsense piled on to show that everyone back home unreasonably hated her and her life will be so much better now that she is away from them, which is just unnecessary and undermines the growth potential of her character. So far, despite the title, the story has been going out of its way to show that she's actually already a paragon of virtue and her only flaw is, what, not explaining the full details of her plans well enough? Not smiling? Minuscule Destruction of Public Property?? Despite the title, everything shows she barely needs to change at all.

It would be more interesting if she was legitimately a Ruthless Pragmatist who had effectively seized control of the family indirectly and, while her shadow reign was prosperous, was still extremely strict. Or just drop the "Evil Lady" part and just call her what she actually is, an Ice Queen, who has now been fittingly sent to a frozen north where she literally shares a namesake with a fairy who brings snowfall like seriously how much more on the nose could you get.

Same thing with Hubby. Granted we haven't seen much of him, but given the way these stories go I doubt the """Monster""" of the North will be anything more than just kinda standoffish and brusque. It would be more interesting if the Monster of the North was actually a bit of a Monster. Make him an unrepentant warmonger who has aggressively expanded his admittedly stable and prosperous realm. Y'know, actually have some shades of gray in the morality.

Then they could have actually bonded over how pragmatic, ruthless, driven, and misunderstood they both are.

It just comes off that there isn't any actual adversity or difficult choices she need(s)(ed) to make. She already made her "Difficult Choice" and that choice has cost her nothing of value and is going to give her everything she wants and even stuff she doesn't yet realize she wants.

Story Basically Over.

Oh also I understand that despite apparently having a production team of Seven People this is a free Web Manhua and thus the artist wouldn't know a dynamic pose if it flexed on them with art by Murata Yuusuke but would it kill one of these artists to learn how to draw the MC casting a spell where they actually DO something instead of just standing completely still while the magic happens around them? Like when she cracked the earth she could have at least stomped her foot down.
Mar 30, 2019
Female character: don't worry I'll protect you
Me: Kyaaaa

Someone 'bout to get wrekt
Jul 7, 2018
Athy: Don't worry, I'll protect you.
Me: So cool~ *doki doki* 🤣

I totally understand what you said and agreed that it would be nice to see more. But I just wanted to say that sometimes you don't really have to do anything in life to get stupid rumors or accusations that lasts. My mother was one of those people where people would call her a "whore," "slut," "evil," "scheming," and more just because she has a poker face, stands out compare to almost everyone in our community, and does not follow the cultural norms expected of women in our culture (she's the breadwinner). Hell, my father even used that to his advantage when he had an affair and no one would believe my mother. But in truth, she's quite the emotional person at home but just keep it under control out in public. People's impressions and the spreading of rumors can very damaging and last a long time from my experiences. It takes a lot of time before they start to see the truth about things. And that's what happened. People eventually realized the truth and now they're all awkward because it's not easy for a lot of people to admit their mistakes especially ones that they held onto for many years.

So moral of the story? Never trust your first impressions of someone. Never allow your first impressions to forever paint the representation of a person. Judge someone for their actions not only in short terms but also in the long run as people can and will change. Always reevaluate what you think about someone based on new experiences and what you learned about them.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
@July_Daydreamer yeah i do appreciate their directness too, it's refreshing and it bodes well for their future communication, which is important for every couple but specially a noble one in charge of so many people. the raws do make it seem like they'll get at least closer... they both seem fantastic so there's no reason why they shouldn't fall for each other, also this is a romance so them falling in love is a given i guess lmao. the rumors seem to be fully unfounded so far, but i hope we get more info on that soon.
Mar 8, 2019
I can’t wait to see her home country and her family suffer without her help. Their lack of ignorance cause them to lose valuable person.
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
LOL "it's cheap" "so expensive!"

I'm waiting for her little sister's reality check when she sees her family struggle to do the work she's done. Or better, for her to struggle to do the work heheheh
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
And so, the dutiful new lady of the territory makes her inspection.

In retrospect, it's lucky for both of them that Anthy was the sister that came. I doubt a relationship with little sis would work out.

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