She’s haven’t been explored much as a character yet, but I kinda hope Cinderella doesn’t simply get to breeze through life where everything is just given to her.
Obviously it’s not gonna follow the original fairy tale but but the current Ashley (I think that’s her name) kinda annoys me, the classic naive, innocent, absent minded girl that everyone loves becuase she’s beautiful and has that ‘wanna protect’ aura. I’m not gonna critiqued her clumsiness (cuz that’s a natural) but the fact that they added the part where she didn’t even set the table properly kinda suggest that she can’t do much or simply too aloof to contribute(?) properly. If despite this, she still gets everything without effort then damn. Maybe we’ll find out that she’s incredibly kind and selfless but the original Cinderella was that too, as well as competent, and endured the abuse (tho we don’t know if pre-reincarnation Ashley was actually abused or not)
This came out a little bitchy and harsh, and I didn’t mean to rant but I wrote it all out before I realised so why not post it.