A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 54

Jun 14, 2020
@sasarious_waifu Well sure, then by what standards he should be judged or analyzed? Should we be more understanding since his moral compass is way off by 'nature' or should we ignore that and recognize him for a loose cannon that can do unspeakably crazy stuff with a smiling face?
Get it? We can only judge him impartially after he is not a threat anymore. But right now that's not possible without at least a beating and if that doesn't work then killing.
Aug 7, 2020
hated noah from first sight i’m surprised there’s ppl called noah apologists...
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Jun 12, 2018
I dislike Noah based on everything he has done. Not an apologist, but I do pity him. The way you pity a monster for their existence has been nothing but painful. It definitely doesn't excuse his horrible actions though. I hope he gets his comeuppance at the end of this. On the other hand, I wonder how Ellen will deal with her immortality now that she's with Caidel. Obviously, she'll outlive him and never age while he gets older and weaker. It feels fine now that he's young but it will become creepier the older he gets.
Apr 12, 2020
@Leonhart93 don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should be more understanding towards Noah since he has a different moral compass. I'm just saying it as it is. I want him out of the story as much as you do. But my point is, it's really amusing to see how we get to label him automatically as "evil" since he does not conform to the standards of a "good" person, when he is not even one in the first place. Though I see him as the antagonist and ultimately, I dislike him because maybe I've created bias judgement myself subconsciously.
Jun 14, 2020
@sasarious_waifu Actually, I didn't label him as evil either. Evil is more along the lines of knowing how you should treat others and deliberately do the opposite. But in his case, yeah he would not be evil if it's his only existing worldview. However, I get the feeling he wasn't like that in the past. If true, that would make him evil indeed.
BUT, I will never think it's bias judgement if you don't like someone like him. Bias means to draw conclusions without knowing the full picture. But I think no matter what the whole picture is (we know most of it anyway) I can never justify his actions. Therefore, no it's not bias.
Jul 17, 2020
We all know that Noah is irredeemable at this point but i SWEAR if Caidel pulls something that hurts Ellen I'll-
Jun 14, 2020
@silkytea He's our protagonist and we always saw his point of view and the way he thinks and does things. I very much doubt that he hides his true personality 😂
The way I see it, what the author did is "implant" us the idea that he might be dangerous with just his expression in that last panel. But his expression might mean a lot of various things, like steeling to do anything that is necessary for her. Which might be the case considering her sin is heavy.
Apr 2, 2020
Noah is an adult who clearly knows the difference between right and wrong. He’s not some guy with a skewed morality because he’s immortal. He has the ability to reason, evident in his ability to gaslight and purposely misconstrue others. He freely admits to doing terrible things for his own self-enjoyment and the pleasure he extracts from seeing Eleanor suffer. He’s just traaaaaaaaasssh. Hated him from the beginning. I honestly feel like I’ve seen his type in real life but obviously dialled down.
Mar 28, 2020
noah is that kind of characterr who do bad thing but in the end we know why he did all that

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