Congratualtions on catching up with the raws! At this point, half of this manhwa is translated by you alone 😊
Although this does make me a bit sad that now we won't get releases faster than weekly 😥
Now, allow me to give my 2 cents on the whole "memory erasing" plot device.
Ellen has this powerful card at her disposal at any time in the "memory erasing", so the most natural question is when she will use it next.
The author knows this so maybe if the plan is to never use it again in the future, a situation has to be devised where she will never want to use it again.
So a combination of self-aware characters in Caidel + her feeling the tragedy of a lost relationship + her promise to Caidel might ensure that she will never use the "memory erasing" on them again. It's like having a nuke, but you can't use it since the consequences are impossible to deal with.
So yeah, there is a good chance she won't use it again.
Also, right now their relationship is not complete since they both have secrets untold, which is also the main cause for the unease we are all feeling.
1. Caidel hasn't told her yet that he is the child in her memories. That will probably be a big reveal with potential of being both good or bad. Ellen probably thinks she killed that child, which is adding to her guilt.
2. Ellen hasn't told him yet about her immortality and her plan to sleep forever.
I have a feeling that things will go down exactly at the end of Season 2 or something, which implies a lot of wait time 😥