To be honest, I do understand your point, but looking at it positively from MY point of view, SOMETIMES the sites that steal from mangadex are lifesavers since they also take chapters before they are deleted in mangadex and I can read them at another site without being frustrated... Moreover, if mangadex lags or some problems occur while they are updating the site, I can just go and read elsewhere then come back and read leisurely.
I'm sure some people will think negatively about what I said, but I am also from a scan, and I translated for free for people to read, although there are times when I am annoyed 'cause aggregator sites profit from our translations and hard work, I try to look at it as positively as possible

ah just so you know I'm not trying to defend them in any way, I'm just voicing out my opinion.
oh, by the way, if there were bots that could do that, then the official raw sites would have used them already lmao.
if you don't want them to upload your WHOLE translation then you can just mess with them as
@Shiggle said >v<