LOL I like the way they were just sitting there relaxing when the police arrived.'re too late!
I, guys, I think you've all forgotten he was sent back in time and already knows how to fight....
He was strong from the start, and he briefly mentioned at the start that he needed to 'retrain' his body.
Since he already knew how to fight, he just needed to get his body back into shape.
*sighs* Why is everyone being so critical of the MC even though he's really cool?
@omniRex What the heck...are we reading the same manga???
Ehhh? How did he lie???
Didn't you see that his friend was in trouble? He did call for backup...but what if something happened to his friend before they got there?? Would you just watch as your best friend or someone you care about get beaten up and wait for the police to show up, even though you know how to fight?
The MC didn't "plan" on anything. In chapter 76 he even backed down to call for backup when he saw innocent people getting beat up and after receiving a text from his friend about the prostitution.
Here is where he called for backup!
Here is his friend getting beat up...
"Umm, isn't this bad? He could die before they get here!"
(Which is probably what the MC was thinking before storming in.
Explanation part 1!
Explanation part 2!
And last but not least, explanation part 3!
Okay, the last part is a bit of a lie...since he ran in head on after seeing what was happening to the girl, but was that wrong of him to do? And besides, it was only the MC who made that promise, not his friend.
That so-called promise with that section chief is bull. I never really liked him in the first place. Who does he think he is to reprimand the MC? Just a washed out prosecutor who received the MC's help.
I don't know about you guys, but there's no way I'm just gonna sit around and wait when I see someone I care about close to losing their life. Especially, if I know I can fight and at least try and buy some time until the police arrives. But hey, look at this. They both handled it before the police and his coworkers arrived. As they say, all's well that ends well. ^^