I'm talking about their ideology, not position. they loudly proclaim themselves as "loyal" to soowon but will only do what they want. they act as if they're doing everything based on soowon's but they actually act as if soowon's values as trash compared to theirs. they won't even accept soowon's will where he wants yona to succeed him in his death.
Hypocrisy is not an ideology, let alone a radical one. Neither is disloyalty, neither is grasping for power. I think I may agree with what you're thinking in your head, but what you're typing doesn't mean what you're trying to get across. But what you're typing
does mean
something, and the something it means, whether you intended that or not, is inaccurate (and, to people who are interested in politics or who actually hold radical ideologies, kind of annoying).
An ideology is a view about how the world works, usually combined with a moral perspective about how the world should treat people (and in some cases, how people should treat the world). A
radical ideology is a view that sees the way things currently work as fundamentally bad, at the
root (radix), and therefore wants to make basic, foundational changes to our society in hopes of having the world treat people better. If you don't want to change the nature of the system, you're not a radical. This also means that being a radical is almost synonymous with being an outsider. "Extremist" is a bit fuzzier, but it certainly involves holding an ideology that is far different from the prevailing norm.
So. These guys are part of the system. They are arguably traitors to the current monarch, but they only want to decide which talking head replaces the current king--they don't want to end the monarchy and put in a different form of government, or end the clan system, or anything like that. Their ideology is the default ideology of the current system, just like everyone else in this manga. They are neither radical nor extremist nor ideologues nor outsiders. They are the opposite--insiders, who think the choice of Yona as successor is
too radical. Centrists, by the standards of the setting.