Akatsuki no Yona - Vol. 34 Ch. 198 - Member of the Royal Family

Jun 29, 2020
AHAHAHAHHA gaad yona told him to be quiet. Yup shut up whoever you are cant remember ur name HAHAHHAHA
Jun 29, 2020
wait did we already established that sowon was the one who killed Il? Cos i'm still thinking that followers of sowon killed him, and sowon was just conveniently there at that time
Apr 28, 2020
Soo-won clearly killed Il at the end of Chapter 1. https://mangadex.org/chapter/11788/54

And he says so outright next chapter: https://mangadex.org/chapter/36554/9
May 22, 2020
😆 Kyaaaaaa! Kyaaaaaaa!!!! 😆 Ara... Yona-chan!

Ehem.. now that that's outta the way..

Indeed we see Yona's potential surfacing very well here. The calm of Kashi, the gentleness of Il, and the fierceness from Yu-Hon's side of lineage.

Yona, as she is now, shouldn't have any trouble being locked in a place for even 10 days or maybe even 30 days straight. Ever since she's come with Soo-Won back to the palace, she's anyhow been confined to her room which doesn't have any ounce of entertainment. Now she has tons of books to read, so 3 days passing by is tantamount to 3 hours passing by. Her determination to absorb information now is propelled by her desire to find ways to strengthen Kouka. The reason for this kind of reaction, is precisely because it IS a 180 degree change for her since the time she was under Il's care. She WAS a dumb spoiled nitwit then. Dumb only because she had no interest, and she wasn't brought up to show interest either, which is rather weird. Honestly I don't know what Il was doing with her in the name of protection. She was pretty much like Rapunzel, except who could meet with Hak, Soo-Won, and any other nobel who showed up.

But you raise a very valid point – who tended to her during her years in the castle? Who was her lady-in-waiting or whatever you call her? 🤔 Usually that person would be the closest, considering she didn't have a mother. Even Hak was appointed as her bodyguard quite late. She actually had noone to go to, and Il himself didn't stay near her enough.. And she actually didn't read books, or barely did, though she SHOULD have. She had her dance and music lessons is all that was mentioned, and she was busy practicing that to woo Soo-Won, as mentioned in that Sen village chapter that gave them the iiza seed.
Heck she didn't even know how to ride a horse. It would have been nice to see her connecting dots of whatever she's read, but we haven't. Just its and bits like yeah the Kai empire is big, yeah there was Lord Joo-Nam's rule that was violent. But nothing concrete or informative. It's only in the case of relationships that she does, like where her mother is concerned etc, or with the legend, nothing related to the country though.

When she meets Yoon for the first time in Ch 12, you see the disgust dripping from Yoon's face that she doesn't know shit, and expects for granted that people needed to help her just because she's royalty. That was a real wake-up call for her. All she knew was the dragon legend from Il. Yoon knows way more about the countries. So yeah, it's a shock for everyone under Soo-Won to see her like this because all they've ever witnessed of her was the spoilt brat dolled up. Even when they saw glimpses of her in the cities or warfronts, it was momentary, and not much was spoken. They just considered her existence a nuisance/threat as surviving royalty, and never weighed in on her potential / authoritative side – which they never got to really see until Xing negotiations and now.

We've also barely seen her talk strategy and negotiate with another party, but then again, she was not in any position to offer anything then.

Yo! (i just reread chaps 47-94, so excuse another essay!)
How is it a red herring? What kind of evidence of Kai's foul play are you talking about? If it's dialogue/textual mentions that Kai was behind slave trade, nadai etc, it's been put in writing throughout the story. Sensui arc was just full of Kai Kai Kai. If you're talking of Soo-Won's knowledge, for Awa, Kum-ji was trading with Kai. They mentioned that in Ch 39. Soo-Won came to Awa to "investigate incognito". Then he again went to "investigate incognito" in Sensui when he bumped into Lily and got info from her, Ch 87. Kai has continuously been positioned as the biggest imminent threat to conquering Kouka. Soo-Won would want to keep himself informed of other governments so he could gain an upper hand. In Ch 67, Soo-Won mentions to Gun-Tae a small fire that needs to be put out. He knew Li-Hazara and Kan Soo-Jin were teaming up (and this is likely courtesy Ogi, since Hak also makes a passing reference to this network subsequently).

Also, Sen is a province of Kai. If you're talking about who started the agression, you have it right here. The Fire Tribe became an easy way in for Kai to invade Kouka. The second instance (which I had totally forgotten till now!) is Hiyou calling in Kazak in Sensui. The boats that both Soo-Won and Hak sunk were Southern Kai empire's, and they were totally en route for invasion. (I guess Kazak and Hiyou are the prisoners they're referring to now?) So Kai already had attempted two entry points. Kin was bound to be next. Kai has continuously been the aggressor so far, how could you say that Soo-Won is a war-monger and that the Kin invasion was unprovoked? (Only rereading the Kin arc was so insufficient.)

Chapter 72 also becomes very very interesting in hindsight.
— Soo-Won is trying to end the Fire Tribe rebellion as swiftly as he can with minimal losses. He also tactically avoided the pits to lessen the sacrifices of the Fire Tribe/Kouka's resources.
— We see Yona passing judgement on Kan Soo-Jin, almost in a similar light like how Soo-Won passed his judgement on Il: the right and the worth to be fit for kingship.
— And Yona suddenly realises a part of why Soo-Won took up the throne (perhaps even the sword against Il), having just witnessed the mess of the state of the Fire Tribe's villages as a result of both Il's rule and Kan Soo-Jin's thirst for power, and knowing that the country is in dire need of a leader.

And look what Soo-Won offers Kyo-Ga after appointing him as General. Il had access to all of that and he couldn't make use of any of it. Soo-Won almost took on a fatherly figure in Ch 74, opening out Kyo-Ga's vision. And he also realised, maybe was even envious, that Yona was yet again a step ahead of him. Same with Ch 87 when he's telling Lily that if she's earnestly seeking to fix the Water Tribe, her efforts aren't in vain. It's almost like a jibe at Il who conveniently turned a blind eye against Joong-Gi's needs given his precarious position of leading a port town with an aggressor right by its waters.

Ch 88-89 shows how it was all Soo-Won's strategy to pose the Sensui soldiers as pirates and sink Kazak's ship, before Kazak launches an attack. (I feel bad for totally forgetting this!) Point to note also, if we're going by the written words of the story, two of the dragons (Jae-Ha and Zeno) both mention they didn't feel any ill will coming from Soo-Won. I'm not saying it justifies his course of action, but it does point to Soo-Won's decisions as stemming from nobler intentions - "for the sake of Kouka". The Fire Tribe arc puts the words in our faces, "'Someday' is too late". You can only wait so long.

You know.. it's funny, one could even say it was partly Yona's fault Southern Kai even chose to aid Hiyou to attack Sensui – just because Hiyou was after Yona for scarring his face and because the dragons killed the Nadai puppets. Technically, Soo-Won is the one who cleaned up not just Yona's mess but also Il's mess in Sensui, and he guided Lily through the right course of action.

After re-reading both the Fire Rebellion and Sensui arcs, with the fact that it was mentioned twice about loose border defences at Sen, and the weakness and risk of port towns like Awa and Sensui, securing Kin, another loose border area, feels like an obvious strategy. (Sei has not yet happened at this stage). Your country had just faced two attacks at two different border points by the same country, albeit different provinces. (Three if you want to count in Awa.) What would you do? Sit and wait for more attacks, or plan for securing loose ends so that future attacks are deterred, or at least contained? There was no more time to waste. It wasn't just to pull together the tribes and show what Soo-Won's reign could achieve.

Kin having consequences.. technically, any of the battles could have turned sour, it was just that Kin was the example set. Li Hazara was going to raid Enri Village the same way during his escape back to Sen, but the Hungry Bunch more-or-less stopped them. But again, both these instances, it's the Kai army that was painted as ruthless and as ravagers. And if we want to drag a consequence of Yona's actions, then we can bring in the kid who died in the Fire Tribe village who waved Shin-Ah's sword at the real bandits.

The non-agression pact you earlier mentioned is in reference to Ch 75, right? It was only put in place with Sen Provice, and specifically with Li-Hazara. Not with all of Kai. And Kin did not fall under that. (Please point out if I missed to recall any previous non-agression pacts/peace treaties that were mentioned). So there wasn't a breach of trust in the sense you framed it. Rather, Li-Hazara is the one who later breaches that very treaty and launches an attack, right after Xing. If Soo-Won was purely expansionist, he really would have asked more from Li-Hazara than just Senri village. And technically, to Senri, this handover was bloodless.
Aug 16, 2020
My god yona you smug devil i love it, hope her hair dosnt get longer tho, iam a fan of the medium to short hair.

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