Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa UraBoss desu ga Maou de wa Arimasen - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

Oct 13, 2019
@Korvalus well i mean. I kind of find her attitude realistic. I mean, she's an alien (transmigrator) who first saw this world as a video game where leveling up is the Most Important and also standardized in many ways, she was kept inside like a housepet and ostracized for her black hair, and because her strength is all she has, her morality is based around helping others get that strength. Of course she's not going to have the common sense most people do, because of her different experiences. No one wanted to make friends with her to teach her differently because of her black hair, her parents only see her as a (monster because of her hair and then a) marriage tool, and in video games, well. No risk, no reward. Most of her video game knowledge doesn't apply socially because everyone shuns her mostly for her ridiculous OP-ness and also they react, unlike NPCs, but otherwise. The game is all she knows. She sees being feared as unavoidable because of her black hair and ridiculous power. It's not like she has the know-how to charm people into being less afraid of her? If she doesn't try to help people with their leveling up (however much it doesn't work for them), that's like 80% of her socializing topics out the window. The other 20%... The so-called "heroine" and the capture targets are slandering her like hell. Everyone is either prejudiced against black hair or thinks she's gonna kill them the second she makes any physical movement towards them. They mocked her at the entrance exam because they didn't believe her level and then they feared her because she is that level. Idk how she can get out of this terrible reputation without people trying to take advantage of her. Honestly her strength is the only saving grace protecting her from these snakes.

Tl;dr I think it's reasonable for her to be ignorant of the problems/consequences because 1) she's socially ignorant from her background as a social outcast who could only level up to while away time, 2) she can and has handled all problems before, and 3) if she did become some social guru who miraculously miracled away all the problems, i think she'd be the true OP Mary Sue lol. Also I feel kinda like the sheep are the ones who bring the consequences on themselves by provoking her? Bc Eumiella is very, very passive when she's not leveling up. The only thing I'm worried about is Patrick, considering he's been upgraded to her one (1) friend. You're right that it's trouble for others when she's acting like this but it really doesn't matter as long as all of them are enemies anyway and she has no friends she cares about... But now she has Patrick 😓
Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
@Wr3n I undestand what you're saying and I agree with most of it. However, as you said, she's a transmigrator. Even if she spent a decade locked up with barely any positive social contact she still has the social cues she learned back on Earth. And as you said before, she can be surprisingly sharp sometimes: she notices the king wanted to tie her up to the kingdom when he summoned her and on this chapter there's a battle of wits between her and that shady headmaster.
You're probably right in that her upbringing on this world may have affected her. I think that it might have made her more introspective and deadpan. It's not like she doesn't feel or is a fool, but she doesn't show it. Which is in retrospective, undestandable. But as with her level, I think she went an unnecessary extra mile which is bringing problems now as she gives the impression, at least for me, of being completely uncaring to anything involved with levels. It's like the same fault I've seen in too many isekais: she's still seeing this world as a game when it's not, and anything unrelated with the game is alien ti her.
And yes, I agree that much of her problems are others picking on her due to prejudice and she trying to resolve them, however I think that she went overboard. The greatest example is when she used Black Hole: just because you've been challenged to unleash your true power doesn't mean that you should use a spell only you and the DL know. It was obvious that it would bring severe consequences and it did. And on this chapter it's entirely her fault: she was ordered to just observe, she has been informed that her form of leveling up is dangerous. Yet she only needed the half-approval of a person of similar opinions to unleash hell by flute as the other person was telling her to stop. Only after Pathick chewing her out of that she came with a safer alternative, and that's good; but I fear what would have happened were Patrick not be there. Also she didn't take into account that people would not be onboard with her methods, and she disregarded the headmaster's orders of not to do anything. Whatever happens because of the events on this chapter, it's entirely on her and hope she rethinks her views, hopefully with Patrick's help.

In conclusion, I admit that her bevaviour it's not entirely her fault and that she's trying to live quietly in a world that hates and fears her. But when she's been given the option of doing something by herself, she comes across as a person that doesn't care about anything beyond what she knows and many of the most severe consequences of that would have been avoided were she to use a bit of empathy or subtlety, which as a transmigrator, she has to have by force. I hope Patrick will be here to show her common sense and to avoid any further incidents that's only harming whatever little image she has.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Thank you for your hard work.

Also: Woo! Romance flag unlocked?! (One can always hope, and it does look promising.) XD
Oct 13, 2019
@Korvalus I can't disagree with most of what you're saying but. I don't remember Eumiella's past life being fleshed out too much beyond "I was your typical Japanese otome gamer girl (in college) who liked the RPG elements of the game the most" so maybe she was actually a shut-in who took classes online and didn't interact with other people that often? She doesn't come off as someone who really cared about things other than the game or had many friends in the past before she was transmigrated, so maybe that's why her social skills are so blunted and not very developed. She does have empathy, but it kinda comes out in "It sucks to be weak and stuck at level 10 so I'll help you level up!" Not sure how you can really empathize otherwise with people that shun you and have experiences that you don't because of your abnormal childhood. It's true that she could use some subtlety but Eumiella spent her childhood as a weapon and I think it's kind of comforting to those that aren't shit-scared of her that she doesn't have the capacity to plot or the ability to hide the desire for treason behind a smiling face.

Honestly, I think she'd never be able to do anything if she spent too much time thinking about whether people would approve of her methods or not because if the past chapters taught us anything, it's that the majority of people are sheep that flee or whisper about her or quiver in terror when Eumiella even moves or looks at her. Being bound too much by thoughts of what they'd want or think seems like a recipe for disaster since they hate that she even exists within their sight. And... tbh, I'm not sure if dark magic is really a commonly studied subject, since it's so taboo and all, so even if Black Hole is a thing only the demon lord knows... any spell she might have used would get all the students freaking out anyway, like the spell with the multiple shadow hands, or that spell that melted the dummy in a previous chapter.

It is dangerous that she doesn't seem to care or anticipate the consequences of what she does, but. I think I've explained why that's reasonable. Also if Patrick hadn't been there, I'm pretty sure Eumiella would've obeyed the headmaster and not done anything but observe, since he was the one to give her the idea of the vanguard and explain it enough that she figured she could blow the flute and still keep the monsters at bay enough for the students to get an easy leveling-up experience lol.
May 4, 2020
What a cute start to their romance!

I think Eumiella was an RPG otaku before she died. Her methods are pretty cool. Imagine how much the provincial nobles must have leveled up. She was the bus driver
Apr 21, 2020
I ship, but
I heard the ml dies,,,,, maybe I’m wrong....
Or so I’ve heard from a forum, I think it’s a troll tho :’).
Aug 15, 2020
Whoever said that was definitely just a troll but if you really want to know
They live together and are preparing for their marriage in the most recent translated chapter of the novel
Jun 18, 2019
She looked so dang cool in that panel where she said "I won't let them touch anyone of you." Or something like that. I really think that she is such a cool person. ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

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