What a banger of a chapter (in more ways than one apparently), I too feel like the story ended up going a bit too fast, though it was done quite tastefully in my opinion, it's interesting 'cause that's the feel I get with Gin as well, he kinda needs to realise his own feelings fast and act quickly on them, as he's always under some underlying pressure that's sometimes not explicitly stated, like on the case with his feelings about Sakura-sensei, things usually go in quite the fast tempo for teenagers, and in this case, he feels and knows that he needs to act quickly or he'll risk losing his connection to her.
And funnily enough, on the times he actually is under no pressure and can relax he sometimes kinda fuck up (like the case with the being harsh with the new students) and putting himself under pressure again so that he NEEDS to act quickly.
One thing I wish we got, was a bit more insight on the perspective of Sakura's character, I think we never really got personally her PoV on the story, and now that there's the risk she won't be there anymore, at least not on the same way (since there's a ongoing health issue we have no detailed knowledge about), that stings a bit more. But I understand that this actually works for the best for this story, since it's mainly Gin's tale (with a bit of the art club's other main characters), and since we are having mostly his perspective, it makes sense to learn about just as much as he does, specially concerning Sakura's character, it's no wonder she feels so interesting, alluring, but at the same time so human as well, she's his mentor, but at the same time something more, and they really did end up developing more than a relationship of teacher and student, and I don't say this just in the sexual relationship way, they truly did end up supporting one another and having a positive influence on the growth of each other. It really makes me wish that their relationship may flourish further rather than just reach it's peak now and end up like a beautiful flower that soon will wither.
Ended up ranting a bit, I think I'm just a bit sad this series is ending, I've been having a blast reading it. As always, thank you very much for the scanlation.