All of Humanity Is Yuri Except for Me - Ch. 10.2 - Reason - Part 2

Active member
Sep 5, 2019
That's a big entrance, but, uhm, can she do something about the, you know, BULLETS?!? Unless she suddenly became a shounen MC, that won't do...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2019
Lily you dumb ass you had the advantage to sneak on her but instead you make such a grand entrance against someone pointing a fucking gun at your girlfriend that's not a good idea.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Should mention it's generally not a good idea to startle someone who has a gun and fully intends to use it.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Lily has this, for some reason our dumb protag still wants to go back to the other world after realizing she is from this one, so the quality of the writing is on Lily side too.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
I mean, can you blame her?

Imagine you were suddenly sent to an alternate dimension as you are right now. Some things stay the same, but people you knew are gone. Your brother is gone. The world is different than you have lived in it for your entire known life.

You are told this new dimension is where you are from. But it's not where you LIVED. Sure, you could adjust. But given the choice to go back to YOUR home, would you not try and go back?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
@KZO What, really? Why wouldn't she? So she was born in this world. Okay, so what? You could technically be born in Israel and immediately be moved to Canada to grow up. If you spent most or all your formative years in Canada, sure Israel was the place you were born, but it's not your home.

How many foster children given up at birth would be totally cool abandoning their foster parents, siblings, and friends so they could live with their birth parents and new siblings? Building a relationship? Sure, but your birth parents aren't really your parents anymore except as some technicality. This world may be where she originated on some technical level, but it's not her world.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
I just want to say, that's a dumb petty reason to start a revenge. Your sis isn't gonna be happy with you destroying her life worth of work.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I kind of see where @KZO is coming from on this though. I don't find the protag relatable here, mostly due to the pacing problems. I'd find her continued resolve to want to go back to the world she's not originally from more relatable if... she was shown to have processed that information at all. But nope, this story just doesn't let anything slow cook. Hell I'm still annoyed we haven't got a quiet chapter where it's just her and her "new" little sister and the two just bond over sharing stories about their sibling. It's just either vroom vroom plot, some sci-fi technojargon that literally matters only to the author, characters describing out loud how they feel and lazy dramatic devices. (it's very literally a cliche screenwriters are told "if you're out of ideas, have someone come in waving a gun")

Hell, the protag's unyielding resolve to go home in face of dramatic new information, would even more relatable if this manga just took more time to reflect on what a world full of women is like or just how homesick she actually is. If even the most hackneyed isekai story is capable of reflecting on such important things once in a while, I don't see what the problem here is. As it stands the manga just wants us to accept as face value "she wants to go home because it's where she's from" as enough and expect us to put together the pieces ourselves for why that might be so. And if you don't mind doing so, that's fine. At that point you're effectively being delegated as the writer and the story in your head at that point is already much better than what's actually been written.

tl;dr -- @KZO is valid, it's reasonable to want the story to meet you halfway and this one isn't. It's more than credible to find protag's stubbornness bizarre. She doesn't have to accept this new world necessarily, I'd be fine with her position still wanting to go back, but better writing would at least imply she's processing the new information first. That's a pretty big revelation to just brush aside.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
Da hell this "villain" is just bad like really that's your reason?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
Why go back? She is risking going in a one way path, doesn't she have any doubts or fears that this might not work? Doesn't she feel like she might not come back to this woman's world where there is someone who truly loves her? Does she have any Idea of the concequences this might have on the other her? Yeah she wants to go back, but she is being as selfish and egotistical as the other her..

She is following a shallow desire that might not lead to happiness, as far as we know she has no idea of how to even read the scientist research.. and the only one who could understand it is dead..

Her selfishness is making her blind and unaware of her situation, the way I see it she is only hurting other people now, does she really need that thing so much that she's willing to risk her life?
Can't she just appreciate what she has now?
It's not like she has a big reason to go back, look at the way she talks the the scientist's sister, IMAGINE MANIPULATING SOMEONE WHO'S TRYING TO MOVE ON BECAUSE YOU WANT TO FULFILL YOU OWN DESIRES.

Yeah, I get that the Imouto is a madlad and has a gun, but she's just desperate and hurt because she has been neglected.
And then imagine what it's like to be neglected once again because someone needs that fucking research..

Look, there's some great characters on this series, but the MC, nah, that ain't it chief..
I know the poor decisions must have been made because of how the author wrote the story, but it's laughable the way this story turned out..

I need more of this story man, it's not even the Yuri that interests me anymore, this story is too good, if this is intentional, omg.. it's a masterpiece..

Thank you so much for the chapter <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Yeah, before I forget -- thank you so much for translating this! I'm complaining about the story but I'm NOT complaining about the opportunity to see it. Honestly, no matter what, no story is a waste of your time. It's always interesting to comb through and see what works, what doesn't work. I'd kill for a version of this manga with a gentler pace and a less unlikable main character.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2019
I think the protagonist said that she wanted to go back not because the other world is where she belonged, but that she wanted a chance to say goodbye.
She'd probably come back to Yuriverse afterwards.
Apr 16, 2020
Have you all forgot that she wants to fix her problems in the other world? Sure it’s sucky reasoning but at least she has a reason. And she doesn’t really have a reason to stay (yet) She’s probably in shock (how many people could process the fact they are in a different world.) once she realizes she has an actual friend /lover she probably won’t wanna go home. I have stated my case and am now expecting rebuttals.
Double-page supporter
Nov 11, 2019
look guys, reread the damn story before jumping on the hate train ok?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2019
@gamma2015 No one here is on a hate train, I just think people are criticizing the way the protagonist acts and the story around it, that's it. Just because someone dislikes and criticizes something doesn't mean they hate it.
This story has some shitty plot points, that's why there's people criticizing it.
In the end of the day I just think it's funny to see dumb characters doing dumb shit.

Btw @SparkShadow she has a fair motive to go back, but that doesn't mean that's a reason for her to hurt the people around her now, I just think it's Fucky, she is doing Fucky things rn

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