This was a messier chapter (or sub-chapter?)...they don't seem to have their priorities straight at all...then again, there's nothing straight about this.
You know, if someone from that world destroyed this world with that pathogen, I wouldn't begrudge them for killing me or rendering me infertile or whatever, it would be a just thing to do.
Thankfully Lily knows exactly the right delusionary things to say to get Marika in line with reality.
And I continue to love the high level of DiAkko in this relationship.
I've been thinking This world's Marika was a reclusive straight genius who figured out a way to switch realities with her closeted lesbian self.
oh wow didnt even think about it but if it was rrly a disease or something which caused the males do go extinct she could very well carry it if she tries to go back... how unbelievable selfish if she rrly tries to travel back... i mean she would wipe out humanity because iam pretty sure they wouldnt be able to acomplish such an incredible feat and even if humanitys population would drop into the basement...well ok would solve some overpopulation problems