Am I Your Daughter? - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
@Moonie-light yes. I know she was abused but still. She is acting like a child, a baby. If that's how she acted when she in her previous life then it must mean her sense never developed. Why is she so helpless. I get anxiety that something bad will happen to her everytime šŸ˜­.
Oct 8, 2019
@Meskie Completely disagree. It's not that she's stupid, it's that she has no context.

Remember, she went from being abused at the orphanage to being locked away in a secluded cottage by an abusive man. She couldn't even leave the cottage to walk in the grass, let alone escape the fire that was set. She was even surprised that she was allowed to have more than one daily meal and that she could have seconds!

This isn't someone who is a complete dunce without reason. This is someone who spent 18 years in a secluded box. Mentally and emotionally, she is going to still be the naĆÆve child waiting for their next beating.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
@Himechu look. You didn't even understand what I'm saying.
Ok, let me look at an example. She tried running away twice. The first time but ended up under the tree asleep. The second time, she tried to run away but ended up looking at the Duke under the tree and she was eventually found. Now what I'm angry about is that she is dumb. And yes she is. It seems like she isn't thinking at all. Even victims of abuse have thoughts and reasoning. If she really wants to escape, she should've really thought about it. If the first thing didn't work then the second one won't work either. And that's what I find annoying.
@Chuepomi I understand that she's a victim of abuse but her train of thought is what's vexing me šŸ¤§. It's like her emotions are stale. I don't know how to describe it. I wish I could say this face to face. My family friend was abused too by her father. Imprisoned for some time and eventually my mom found her and she was rescued. She had a childish behavior but she had more emotion that I could feel and made me considerate of her.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
@BimBim85 yes. You have used the right word. She has no context. That's what pisses me off. To me, she feels like air. Her thoughts are the same through out the past sixteen chapters. It feels like she isn't grown or she hasn't grown. I don't mean she should be an adult but I want her to think more. I mean, children have more thoughts than her. Ok, to put it simply, it feels like she isn't the main character. I don't feel anything through her at all. I feel more front he Duke and other people in the story but like you said, she has no context meaning that it's gonna take a long time/chapter for us to see her thoughts grow.
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2019
@Meskie You say you are angry that she's 'dumb', but we don't even know how much of her is her truly and how much of her is the result of her upbringing. Your 'examples' aren't very good ones because a) she was panicking and trying to find a safe place to be (not a planned escape) and b) she hasn't shown a true desire to escape so far, so why would she plan for it ?

You say I don't understand what you are saying : maybe take the time to re-read your previous comment with a blank slate ? 'Cause having read your responses to other people, I understand why you would be frustrated with such helpless and child-like FL, but the way you went about expressing it seemingly disregards the context of the character and story and places the blame on a character who suffered from abuse and dealt with it like it could.
Oct 8, 2019
@Meskie If I'm reading you correctly, it's the fact that she's so passive that bothers you the most? If that's the case, I completely get that. Things are happening to her or around her without any pressure or input on her part. Other than the Prince getting her to voice that she didn't want to go with the Count, at no other time has she truly expressed an opinion or questioned anything/anyone.

I find this part of the story/plot EXTREMELY frustrating, but hope that at some point she will reflect back and realize that things only changed for the better when she made a decision and took action (when she first fled the carriage) and then we can see her take the reins or something.

But, that sort of story arc is just wishful thinking on my part.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 8, 2018
@Himechu well, whatever you think of the story then it's your opinion. Let's agree to disagree then šŸ¤·.
@BimBim85 yes. You understand. It feels like things are happening around her and she is not really a part of he story. It's frustrating and it gives me anxiety. I feel like she can be kidnapped or tricked and only he people around her can help her. Do you know the Cinderella syndrome? (or is it scenario? I'm not sure). It's kind of like that. Like she can't do anything unless a dashing prince or something helps her out of her situation. I really hope she wises up and that uncertain feeling slaves me šŸ˜©.
Jan 19, 2020
Sheā€™s 7. The most complex thing I thought about when I was 7 was how my birthday party was going to be like. Sheā€™s literally a child. A child who grew up in solitary getting abused. There was no one there to teach her about the possibilities available to her. As smart as children are, experiencing things once or twice (like the pattern you mentioned of her trying to run away) isnā€™t going to necessarily stick. Plus if anyoneā€™s going down this train of thought, she has experience of running away working in her favor once ā€” the first time in the town.

I wouldnā€™t be chuffed if she was simply a passive character, but the entire premise starts with her acting in order to get what she wants: running away. She also actively goes against the count and made attempts to not let things repeat as they had in the past by doubling down on the thought process of not trusting anyone.

Plus, everyone handles abuse differently? People can regress when theyā€™ve experienced abuse so we canā€™t expect her to develop what would be considered a ā€œnormalā€ sense at the moment. I for one think sheā€™s doing far better than I would assume for someone who has gone through abuse as she still remains articulate and decisive of what she wants: her freedom.

People say they want character development but youā€™re not even letting them have a chance to develop. Itā€™s been less than a week in story?
Jun 3, 2020
Ugh wait I'm so confused. There was already evidence of abuse? But he hadn't taken her home yet?

How long could the journey from the orphanage have been that lasting physical signs of abuse were already showing?

I'm so confused about this timeline!
Active member
May 22, 2020
Ok but aren't we going to talk about why the prince plucked a hair strand out of our girl's hair? šŸ˜­ HAHAHA.
Active member
Sep 26, 2019
So first the scumbag emperor wants her executed but now he wants her to be the crown princess?
Double-page supporter
Jun 15, 2018
Wait assuming the Imperial family has high magic concentration in their blood, wouldn't it be counterproductive for them to breed with a Kallisto, who has high holy power? They're incompatible aren't they?
Double-page supporter
Jun 10, 2019
I kind of wanted her to just chomp on that flower when he held it to her face like that
Jun 1, 2020
I wonder what's the prince purpose but taking one strand of her hair. May I wildly guess that he's also want to do some research about the girl secretly...?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 7, 2020
She's going to be what now?

I can only imagine there is a hell of a lot that the artist/author are leaving out of a WN or LN of this that real fans of the series would be aware of because I'm goddamn lost again and it's only been two chapters.
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
Wtf with the Emperor, he's trash. :l Mmmm, is that Prince the ML? I used to like him but now I'm thinking that maybe another guy would be fine too, lol.

@marldita preach! I don't know why it's so hard for people to see a character in her position: vulnerable, affected, lost, broken, etc. Just because she reincarnated/time traveled, it doesn't mean her trauma is gone, and it doesn't mean she'll be a super cunning woman or will be ready to destroy the Count or whatever (like we've seen in other stories for example). How would she even have that kind of mindset if she wasn't educated to know more about the world (it's obvious that she tried her best to learn, but nobody interacted with her or tried to hear her so she could have a deeper understatement about that information. There was an evident and clear intent to keep her mind the more childish and immature possible so she wouldn't be able to do anything/oppose), if she was abused and imprisoned, how could she even want to talk if there was no respect to her persona? If there is no inner experience, people don't know how to react to certain things, it's as simple as that.

Also, she's desperate to live just as any normal person would be, the only difference is that she just wants to do it freely, in a place where no one would get close to her because of the relationship with her mother; she just wants to escape and start over without being worried about being targeted, what's so bad about that? Why would she go and ask about her surroundings if she barely can deal with her inner self? For people to start putting their life together, they first need a secure place to be and stay. She's starting to realize that people in the Duke's household are being nice to her without a 2nd agenda and that's the first step; once she realizes that she has a home and she can stay safe there, that she can talk, that she has the right to be respected and listened, then that would be the moment for her to start adapting, to get nourished, and then to bloom.

Seriously, people need to understand that not everyone can or will deal with trauma in the same way, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong if you're feeling weak, scared, or if you don't want to take a revenge path. The only difference between her and other main characters in her situation is that she's not using the resources in front of her, but that's because she doesn't even think it belongs to her, or that she'd have that right. That doesn't mean she's a fool, she just feels out of place. Give her a place where she can feel at home, and she'll start to heal, grow, and show her good sides. What she is at the moment is not necessarily what she'll be in the future, especially if she's nourished emotionally, intellectually, and physically (plus it's been just a few days since her 2nd chance, readers are being too impatient).
Jan 26, 2020
@AiriAi it has more to do with how accustomed readers are. Most stories we have a doctor who goes in time, a spy who goes back in tie, a soldier who goes back in time, a daughter of a entrepreneur who goes back in time, and there is a story about a girl who goes back in timemwho was abused for 3 lifespans and killed so in her 4th time she knows what to do.

They are smart, or were abused in my previous life time that they arennot that scare cux their life experience is so much and anger is so much that it overcome it rage>fear.

You are right, this reincarnation is one of the exception which is why im ok with her being a damsel in distress. She was a damsel in distress before she died. She was very naive and was caged. Didn't know the world and was only abused. Im surprised that in the manhwa dont mention that the Duke didn't rape her. I wonder if the novel says so...cuz this type obsession comes of the man desiring a woman and adopting someone as a substitute means that he will want her now orr when she turns 13 so include rape intk the equation and you will have this character.

It is pretty accurate imo. I wanna read more. Who took the duke's blood to make this girl. It must be with the woman that didn't want to be with the count. She probably did it or was with the Duke and made a spell so he wouldn't remember if she did she was a madsfcker selfish btch cuz she died and left the girl by herself. I hope I'm wrong

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