Amai Seikatsu - Vol. 10 Ch. 99 - Stylish Thief

Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019

Nah, it is okay. I lived with the condition since i was a kid. The medicine or cream may clear pain and dryness of skin for a while but one can hope for cure.
I don't mind waiting for it since it is part of me. It made me who i am today.

Keep up the good work, bro!
Group Leader
Apr 8, 2019
@SunSun I'm just paranoid, to begin with so traveling for me is thinking everyone is carrying a weapon until proven otherwise. I know that is really wrong to think that but I think that of everyone. Race doesn't factor in because it doesn't matter how crazy someone is regardless of skin color. IF I do travel, my one wish is to head to Japan. I do plan to have a translator with me all the time so the price of the trip goes from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand. It's me being a lazy ass face and not learning the language. I know there are apps that are able to translate written language but hard to do spoken language. Accents and speed is always a hinder in technology.

@Assam Thank you. Look for it on the first page.

@Techno97 It's a good thing you are able to enjoy life with it. Granted, a cure would be wonderful but I'm more afraid of the side effects. Y'know, zombie invasion and the like. :p

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