Amai Seikatsu - Vol. 11 Ch. 110 - Pixy Rebuilt

Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Basically. Didn't read comments of last chapter but your reputation is your life; you got a bad rep, it's almost impossible to get anywhere without completely rebuilding it from scratch.

EA as an example, thought of as a great game company and publisher, but enough shady practices and their reputation is in the gutter. People don't necessarily go nuts for a new game published by EA, and in fact will wait some time until enough peer reviews come in to buy a product. I think they're going the general right direction with Fallen Order and Squadrons but you don't change company culture without changing who's in charge.

Same with Blizzard after joining with Activision to be Activision-Blizzard. What is that massive conglomerate known for nowadays, besides being greedy as fuck (Koteck's side) or CCP cum guzzling bitches trusted comrades (both sides?).

Edit: disclaimer, a government is not it's people. Hence CCP vs saying "China" in a blanket way. Like my father in law put it when I asked, "What elections in China?"

Edit2: There's an "electoral" process in China but it's all CCP approved, and a "winner" is sometimes announced anyway regardless of who votes. Popularity does play a role though, and Xi Jinping came into power because of his platform of "anti-corruption" that was popular with the citizens so he got installed by the old guys in charge (known as the Politiburo in the west).

Which was really shocking to some Chinese citizens when he got rid of the legislative red tape that basically makes him President for Life; there had to been massive purges in the background for him to have pulled that off.

Edit3: in case anyone's interested and I haven't mentioned it before, my father-in-law joined the CCP when he was much younger in order to have an easier time acquiring permission to and starting a business. It wasn't until he wanted to start a family that he had to leave the CCP, and he wasn't high ranking enough to ignore the rules about families. From what he said, your only god, your only religion was the Party. You had no family other than the Party. You had no higher loyalty other than to the Party.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
call me pepega, but i don't remember reading how pixy got taken over like it
its like next chapter, and boom it happened.....for the sake of teh story, it has to be explained right?
also what editor lets this happen like this (i kno its an old manga and the stories are episodic in nature, few chapters each but cmon now).

im so confused. i don't read my @s but someone please confirm this or call me a pepega.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2019
Thank you as always for this excellent work.

I loved this chapter. The chairman looks like he's fed up with the big corporate way of doing things (which typically holds only money as the first and foremost concern, with little to no regard for anything else), and has decided to go back to roots by recruiting old seamstresses to make quality, genuine products again.

You see this happening a lot in real life right now, actually - with improvements in technology and the downfall of traditionally-trustworthy brand names, more and more people are making things to their own personal satisfaction (which is typically much higher quality than the Big Corp., Inc. stuff!). I hope we continue down this path. Perfect / imperfect competition is not a great system for the health and benefit of its people - it only benefits the companies running the scenes with an economic model like that.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2020
Man I'm relieved the chairman kept the brand name. And Edo is loyal so the designs will still be the same, the new pixy will make it's way back to the top for sure.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 6, 2018
Thank you for the chapters! :D Always appreciate the effort. I hope I can give some nitpicky, friendly advice for some things I noticed :D (I'm an editor for irl work, so it's an unfortunate habit I have now since it's literally my job to nitpick things...)

Page 7, panel 2, first bubble: "That baldy let you left the office?" That should be "leave", not "left". (Left is the past tense of leave, and the lady is talking in the present tense. If she said "Oh? You left the office?" then that would be appropriate...but since that's not the case here, it needs to be "leave"!)

Page 14, panel 3: I'd suggest using an interrobang (?!) here. "Hrmph! What can those two nutcases do, anyway?!"

Page 17, panel 3, first bubble: Would suggest changing 'long' to 'much'. "Good grief! He's still a lecher, no matter how much time passes!"

:D Thanks again for all your hard work! And to Aoitenshi for translating it, too!
Jun 15, 2018
ty for your hard work

as I guessed, the old man still alive and kicking err spanking ass. but he surprised me when he left that underwear for Edo. a message in a bra! lol. i think that bra must be special, maybe he shifted his market target into elderly women. he predicted Edo will come and help him out. interesting.
Feb 7, 2020
Man, it’s not surprising the old ladies react to the old man like they did.

Good points about owning the brand. Old man thinking ahead. Probably why Edo had his work contract structured the way it was.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
Okay, so the (Ex)-Chairman's son and the board (on behalf of the company that "owned" Pixy) tried to make a corporate take over of the brand, but since the Chairman never actually sold the Pixy trademark to Nissho, the company, he was able to retain all rights to the product trademarks and contracts. Which is why they were so desperate for Edo to join up with them since he basically revived Pixy with his magic underwear.

So right now, Chairman only has the few remnants of Pixy's wholly owned materials and factory/factories which puts him in danger of failing to fulfill Pixy's contracts, hence his rehiring of his old seamstresses from before the Nissho merger.

At this point, you have to wonder why the Nissho board decided to kill the golden goose right as they secured lucrative contracts with American and European models.
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
@saintguardian thank you for the scanlation. I saw the raws a few years ago and I believed noone would translate this. Just found your scanlation today and am very happy to see this translated.

I'm also surprised the serialization is still ongoing what the heck.. that's 30 years..

(Oh guess what, I found the raws I downloaded - I downloaded them back in 2014.. Up to when the 2nd season was at v4 or so)
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
I can honestly say I didn't see this coming. Totally unrealistic for the chairman and Edo to beat out the parent company with such meager resources but since this is a gag manga I'm sure Edo will win out in the end. It was really a bonehead move by the president to do this without knowing how to nab Edo.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Realistically the chairman's son would have had Edo sign a deal that was tied to the parent company before pulling this. Trying to do it after the fact makes him just seem foolish rather than cunning.

@onepunchman and others that missed what happened with the takeover. The chairman doesn't own the company. A company is owned by the share holders collectively. The shareholders then vote to decide who is placed on the board of trusties. It is these members who decide who runs the company IE the chairman (or CEO). What happened is that there was a provision that the chairman could be replaced if the board members passed a vote of no confidence. This is what happened. They then replaced the chairman with the chairman's son. The Pixy trademark, however, was still owned by the chairman. All the Pixy assets (designs, merchandise, ect) were still owned by the parent company, however the chairman retained the Pixy trademark and it looks like the old factory was somehow not under the ownership of the parent company.

As far as Pixy making a comeback it's really dependent on the (former)chairman being able to make some new distribution contracts and set up a new supply chain. Given the importance of personal relationships in business, the parent company would really have to somehow strongarm the potential distributors from signing with the (former)chairman. I see it as totally possible that Pixy makes a comeback. Create some new designs. Leverage the exposure from the fashion show to sign new contracts and promote the brand. Establish a supply chain and production capacity. Edo and the (former)chairman seem to be able to handle the first two and it looks like (former)chairman has the last one already handled to some degree.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018

yea i get how chairman/corps work basically.
I must've missed the chapter where the vote happen or didn't take it seriously enough that it would be a plot device. Thanks for the reply. Now that I know its based rl corp shit, I'll readjust how I see the interactions with this new plot.
Sep 26, 2018
thank you for the chapter

the chairman knew this was going to happen, so he didn't give all the rights to nissho group
he doesn't want to let go his passion also let his passion in the wrong hands
no matter the condition, as long as you have passion and perseverance, things will go your way

i only remember NFS:MW (PS2 ver), NBA live series (genesis) by EA
red alert series was detroyed by EA
the sims and simcity was hijacked from maxis
so which games from EA are good?
Sep 2, 2018
It would be a joy to see all the female personel just walk out on them ..
Group Leader
Apr 8, 2019
@SunSun Agreed, the greed will always show how ugly and nasty your company is. When that happens and it makes news, they die. VERY, very fast. I am not going to comment about the other stuff because I've learned that there are three things you never "discuss". Religion, politics, and assholes.

@onepunchman The first hint was in chapter 89 and the final hint was chapter 96. I know it wasn't thrown out there to be obvious but that's the spin of a comedy manga. A gut feeling will show that they are FAR from Shissho group and their "claws".

@BanditHadron You're welcome. I agree with the idea that we need better products and quality rather than rushed products. The consumer needs to stop demanding more and more. We need to slow down to enjoy the products we have before getting more. More stuff DOES NOT equal more happiness. It just creates more junk.

@Cesarean-Pizza Yes but that just means the cost will go up while they pay for people to mass-produce products. The problem with that is they will need to work people to near exhaustion if their demand goes over what they expected. Or hire more and then it's just a cycle. My only concern is working with the elderly population.

@Hezkezl PLEASE feel free to nitpick away. I always appreciate nitpicking since it shows that the reader cares! I'll go ahead and make the changes. Thank you for this. They should be changed by the end of tomorrow. I'll pass the message along to the translator.

@zxdwas He became a lot more. Wait until the next chapter. I'm halfway done now.

@theowww I'm not surprised. The way that the chairman left the underwear shows that Edo would be the only one to know and pick it up. Edo has handled underwear for YEARS and knows when something is amiss. I think the next chapter would show you a lot about the people Edo and the chairman works with.

@Tbird90677 The funny thing is, I'm pretty sure the secretary had a hint that this would happen and made sure the models' contracts were to Pixy and not to the group. I guess we will see in future chapters.

@shaggypaw Your welcome. The plan is to finish the first season and I'll decide on the second season when we get there.

@biznizz I'm pretty sure Nissho had NO idea that Edo was going to get such highly named models to do his underwear nor that they would lose Edo. The way they all talked sounded like they were convinced that Edo would stay for the money. Thing is, Edo has no freaking clue how to spend money and just saves it up. So the chairman actually "baited" Nissho to offer more money and power to Edo by paying him so much. And giving Edo so much free reign of the place. Always be twenty steps ahead of your allies and a hundred of your enemies. That way you won't be caught unguard when your allies become your enemy.

@iceaco Truthfully, I waited 2 years after the last group before picking it up because I expected a larger group to do it. No one did so I decided it was high time I did something. This was something I wanted to do for years and I ran with it. 2 years later, I am still plugging away and trying to figure out how to make it bigger. I just want to have more people who can work up to my par or even better. So you are welcome and thank you for commenting.

@Pinealoupe I keep forgetting if you told me to use your comments freely. The dice gods have chosen your comment.

@AMetroid I have a gut feeling that the chairman told his son that he did but he actually didn't. Mainly for thinking that since he signed the contract for Pixy that Edo was on board. I think the secretary might have made the models sign a contract with Pixy and not the company. So they might do the job without having to get new contracts. If not, they would demand more underwear that Edo would make.

@sinfika In my opinion, not that many. At least ones that I remember playing over and over again. I truthfully put EA games in the Lootcrate pile and ignore it. I'm sure there are some that my mind doesn't like to EA that are actually good.

@Nestrac I would consider that a just dessert for what their corporation did. I'm sure there would be a mass rehiring for Pixy if the secretaries could sew. I don't know if they all can and don't want to assume. I guess we will see if they all do a walk out from the Nissho group.

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