@MangaOverAnime Sometimes, the best way to handle things is with blunt force boot to the head.
@Nestrac She would have a sibling if that happened. ^.^
@Kaiser92 The Best way to describe that, yeah. lol
@ElBichoRaro Read next chapter. It's a short one but says a LOT!
@andrmnh ,
@Missingno_force ,
@moel ,
@mikeceara Thank you. You be safe too.
@DaJa-rahrah That was an amazing music video. The group who does this is really good at making stuff up.
@Skarrmanga I have to say this is a huge movement but this isn't exactly the first time this has happened. So yeah, progress?
@PervySageChuck The dice gods were in your favor, may I use your comment?
@Nestrior We get that and MOAR!
@EnRyuu_surf That sums up most outsiders in this manga. They come off as being annoying but they have a valid point.
@bibabobubi He has said himself that he is attracted to women so he's not gay, bi, or asexual. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with any of that but Edo-kun is straight. Now past trauma dealing with sex could lock away and damage how someone deals with sex. There is TONS of articles from psychologists that say that childhood trauma can change how someone deals with sexual attraction and love. I personally think that there is A LOT more to his past than what we are reading right now.
@Seraphus Thank you. The manga, for the most part, is a walk in the park but there has been times where it's a bloody nightmare. Nothing like the other manga which challenges me to no end. This one is challenging as to figure stuff out with the artistic eye. How the artist makes everything flow makes me extremely glad he works so hard on this manga. I really wish a company would pick this up so we can pay for the artist's hard work.