
Jul 12, 2019
Darn, if only I knew how to read more Chinese character then I would had been able to read the Chinese translations 😭... Here's what I've gathered from up to chapter 25, its pretty long so yeah.
Protagonist became their size and basically hang out with the boys. When she hangs out with the dolls, she's in their world and their world appear to be in a church. Protagonist also recreated the doll world into irl in her apartment. Okay so blah blah blah, protagonist and this dude irl are hanging out and talking about dolls and some stuff. This coworker dude seems to be interested in protagonist. Btw, all the dolls she created don't exactly have the personality she made them to be (this is important). Back to doll world, here in case you forgot those doll's names and only remember them by their hair like I did. So Felix and Johann is hanging out and I believe Theo gets jealous. In between this period, protagonist keeps going to the doll world but doesn't see what each dolls evil action. Felix found out Johann is a girl (I am assuming Johann is a girl due to the info I'll tell you in a bit) and basically goes and pray. Btw, a lot of characters goes to the church and pray during these few chapters and protagonist is always there to comfort them. Not sure how the sisters/nun or the other boys don't find this weird since protagonist appear out of nowhere but okay. Moving on, (not sure if these events are in order but it doesn't really matter since it will all lead to one thing), Zepp is interested in Johann and Theo takes advantage of so and drugged Johann. Zepp basically r*ped them (I don't remember if there's penetration but) he fingered them and discover something (to which at this point I am assuming the female body part and that Johann is a girl; this is a big deal I'm guessing because they're in an all boy school/church/orphan). Zepp basically took advantage and blackmail Johann to stay away from Felix. Bullying happens. Bullies are Zepp. Damian, and Otto (also Theo too ig), the bullied are Johann and Felix. I have no idea what Elmer did but they didn't do nothing and was bystander for the most part. Felix is hurt and betray because Johann avoid him and Johann cries and hurt because she's being blackmailed. Both cry in church and protagonist is there (most of the time to comfort). Back to irl, protagonist is losing sleep, stressed out, tired and so on and so froth due to having shouldering her doll's emotion baggage and her work/food/relationship. Coworker dude still tries to befriend her and at one point I think confessed (I don't really know). Eventually, some stuff happen and protagonist shows coworker dude dolls can move. They go to old man doll maker who gave protagonist the clay and found some of his backstory of how he got those clays. Back to doll world, Felix jumps of the church and crunch goes his body. Protagonist came back to doll world to see that and bought him back to irl and fixed Felix and BAM! Felix alive again. Not sure what happen after but it all leads to protagonist remembering her childhood (I'm assuming her childhood). She was apparently a transfer student who acts boyish and the dolls represent her childhood classmate. And that's about it. I can't read a lot of Chinese so here's what I could gather from reading the few Chinese character I know and mostly using google translate for the most part (I can speak and understand Chinese but can't read/write it so yeah). Thanks for reading? Idk. It's been journey for you reading through this long "summary". Hope new English chapter uploads soon or another group picks it up.

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