I had zero expectations for a big advancement on this at this point, eraser-kun or not. They're gonna be in high school for three years, and the first 100 or so chapters were all for year 1 of that. I'm not expecting any concrete romantic developments in a series like this until year 3 so he can take his exams for Tokyo University and either get in, so she has to act before they might separate, or he tanks that exam and she's there to pick up the pieces.
There's also the possibility they both get into Tokyo University since the idea of her going on a sports recommendation has been tossed around a bit, so we could get to see him bring this eraser all the way to Mikawa, and clearing up the misunderstanding embarrassingly while Megumi's doing her thing and then he finally confronts his feelings about her to her face. Roll credits, cue post credits timeskip to husband and wife time. Or something.
I fully expect him to admit to himself that he actually does have feelings for Megumi at some point before then, but never do anything about it because "she doesn't see me that way/she's too good for me/etc." That might be the big one for this school year, however long it ends up going for.