@Tardazor @smashman42 remember my words - after they graduate (they have at least 1 year before that on manga timeline - so, at least 100 more chapters, i think) he will meet his crush in uni, said to her something like "your message on eraser helped me get through the years blah blah blah", and she tell him like "idk what your talking about" and then he realize that it was all Megumi and it finally hits him that he loves her (i even think that she cant get to the same uni with him as she wanted and they be like "hope we will see each other again good luck") and chase her to the other city to confess.
its really obvious. there is no progress bcs of the initial plot - he's in love with other girl (but didnt even talk to her over the phone or messages her), so he studying so hard so that he can reach her in the same uni. and untill that issues wont be resolved - there will be no development between him and Megumi, sad - but true.