(First impressions just from reading the summary) In a world with this kinda 'setting/concept', wouldn't a woman tempting a man to have sex with her also be attempting murder unless it's like a double suicide with like a lover but in a more romantic/intimate way, unless his 'temptation' is just him getting horny from women in a world where they decided to just segregate things into co-ed sections, same sex attraction aside. tho it would make sense for the 'sex ban' that red apple had lol
Expected an erotica tag unless it doesn't show too much
Surely other than creating new drugs, the opposite of ED drugs would exist
Would make a fucked up dark comedy for a female serial killer to go on a rampage. or actually kill someone and say that the sex was the cause XD
I guess they've been distant but weird to call a childhood friend '-san' unless they tell you to stop a casual tone or so
around other ppl
LOL that 'frog' term is interesting, didn't think there was a specific word for it. well, i know it's happened but i guess japan and other countries would have words for it