This is a reboot of Todo no Tsumari no Uchouten, serialized in a different magazine (Dengeki Daioh), after the original magazine underwent a restructuring and the author got the short end of the stick. Same setting and premise, slightly different events as of the first chapter. It may branch out more as it goes on.
I love this already <3 Nekozaki not wanting them to just barge in, seems like she is a little jealous about sharing Mikoto. How cute, it is like she already considers them to be going out. Really quite nice.
I hope the author tones down the side characters a bit... they're not too bad, but I really don't want them to always be hyper and hectic all over, interrupting the main couple all the time.
This author does wonderful expressions and character interaction, but has problems with overbearing side characters overshadowing the leads. Let's see where this goes.
Yo wtf, why is this almost a complete 180 than the alternate one? The alternate one is all lovey dovey and pur wholesome comedy stuff, but this is just... Depressing, not that i mind tho, just wondering is all