An annoying historical inaccuracy in Sousei no Taiga.

Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
I'm no anthropologist (I believe that's the field), but I know that Neanderthals weren't the violent club throwing monkeys they're portrayed as in this manga. There's a possibility they were more intelligent then us, as well as less violent. From what I understand, the way they're shown here is from an old myth. Does anyone know if I'm wrong about this? I like the manga's concept, but it's kind of an annoyance. I could always just read Arata Primal, I guess. It's better anyway.
Mar 2, 2018
I'm not an expert so take my words with a pile of salt.
As far as i know you are at least partially correct. Neanderthals were less violent but i haven't heard of them being more intelligent. I would say that the fact they have been outmached by homo sapiens should be the evidence that they were less smart/adaptable. Neanderthals relied more on their physical strength/toughness while sapiens used more advenced tactics and tools. Many of Neanderthals actually joined with sapiens, there are evidences for it in europe(probably not only). It may be just my assumption but they weren't more intelligent.

Yes, Arata Primal is better.

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