Anata ni Sasageru Akai Bara - Ch. 6

Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
They were upfront with each and everything... Where the heck did things go wrong?!?!
Many thanks
May 2, 2019
I just wish someone would come and whisk Ophelia away. She doesn't need a husband that will not give her support in regaining her self-confidence. She's literally thinking so lowly of herself and Orpheus' (plus the people at the mansion) attitude isn't helping the situation.
Diana loves the butler but how she is too close to Orpheus made the situation worse and also made the butler think she is in love with Orpheus
I just wanna know why Orpheus and Diana are acting like that.
Sep 28, 2019
so basically, he told the details of what marrying him would be like—he’s a doting brother to Diana, and Ophelia accepted it at first?
I think Ophelia’s too anxious and insecure since she feels something for Orpheus...
Apr 5, 2019
I just dont understand why the protagonist keep misunderstanding and acts like a villain even tho from the first time shes already aware of the condition in the household, like.. can you at least believe your husband? Talk about everything with him nicely and talk about the reason of your acting so you both can understand the situation cuz its getting more and more annoying to see how the conflict is avoidable/repairable ( somewhat easily) if you at least communicate about it and 'listen' to each other's explaination
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
I now feel like I fully understand where our main character is coming from, first off we have her upbringing, it's clear she's grown up with the idea that nobody could ever love her, and that any affection towards her is to keep up appearances or out of convenience (and in the case of the marriage, that sounded like he only married her because of a promise to his father)

Then there's the male lead, who has done an absolutely piss poor job at clearing the misunderstanding, it's not just his new wife who thinks his cousin is a lover, literally all of HIS servants also believe it, emphasis on these being his servants, they're not outsiders who just met him, this has apparently been an unspoken understanding in his mansion for years

Also, notice the parallels for their reason to marry: she was told by her father to secure the marriage for political gain, what she got out of that conversation with her husband is that this was also forced on him by his own father
May 12, 2019
Just when did all of this went wrong? Her husband need to clear the misunderstanding that run thru the mansion + his wife.... it'll be a very rocky path to go thru
Jun 12, 2018
@Shadeonyuu, he tried!!! She didn't want to listen! It's heroine's fault she is obsessed with plan of leading duke through divorse path
Jun 24, 2019
So everything started because she listened to the gossips from the servants?
Seriously? She is a proud woman yet listen more easely to her servants than her husbando that she loves dearly?
I think I am gonna just stick with yandere otome manga instead if she continues like that >.>
Nov 17, 2019
It started good, but her reason was not strong enough too justify her goal of divorcing her husband. The flashback also contradicts everything; it gives more plot holes than explaining. Previously, it says that the spouses lived lovingly before the blind cousin started living with them; then, the flashback says the cousin has always been living in the manor and that the wife agreed to have her continue living with them despite the rumors. And what's with the husband not really the son of the previous lord? Was that even necessary?

Furthermore, I don't see the husband and wife being happy or in love. I know that it was mentioned or slightly shown, but we readers need to see their bonds so that we can truly tell and support such union.

Moreover, the wife did not even fight for her husband. No rational person just let their husband be taken by another woman. Why didn't she at least had a talk with him to resolve such misunderstanding? Well, the husband did try (although not enough) but she still did not listen. It seems like the wife is a masochist. It's a bit disappointing because the characters are beautiful but the storyline is very inconsistent and illogical. Still, I'm following this manhwa hoping for some changes and for their actions to be more justifiable.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@Aslinn - no, it started when she decided there must be something wrong with the marriage offer, and when he mentioned the cousin so much she thought, "oh, that's it". Then cousin denied it but "don't they look very close", so she basically looked for any kind of "evidence" to prove that she was right. If the maid had said "oh no, they are just friends" then it'd have been "she's being loyal to them and lies" and that'd have been proof enough for self-abusing wife.

On another note, I find it amusing that she's the "rightful heir by blood" to the estate, while adopted son is suitably not related to blood, should they actually do something with their marriage.
(I do wonder what this cousin is about then, if it is his own family, his adoptive family, or even a third strand.)
Mar 10, 2019
I'm at the part where she arrives at the mansion and sees Diana for a first time and... she draws a conclusion that they're lovers after seeing Diana holding Orpheus' hand? She's blind and they just came down the stairs?

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