Angel or Villainess

Aug 3, 2019
I almost feel bad for rooting for the FL, but I also can’t stand a Snake like Angela. So I’m gonna Raise a glass for FL regardless of how dirty she has to get her hands 🤷🏽‍♀️
Jul 31, 2020
“So my friend supported me through everything and gave me everything she could”
“But I hate her so I’ll end her”
Wtf is wrong with Angela
Oct 28, 2019
i can't stand looking at the pitiful face snake Angela had but DAMN I'M IN LOVE WITH JAYNA'S EVIL LOOK 😍
Jun 4, 2020
Its refrshing to actually see evil for the MC xD... or is it righteous justice?
May 11, 2019
Lol, these types of stories never really make sense.
So these type of girls that are invited to the house I will call them arch-type bc they are all the same character no matter how they look like.
They are scheming bitches with a two faced mask smiling or acting "innocent" in everyone's faces.

The thing is how come they all get to the top so easily?
Because they know how to smooth talk, conversate, or so to speak cry and look innocent??
The thing is in reality, its not always like that lol. I don't comprehend how they are all so good at lying and doing these evil deeds without anyone suspecting them?
Where did they learn this from? Who taught them to be so sneaky and devilish and most of the time they hate the mc for no reason?
Also these girls never really seem to have all want the same thing. Marry the emperor, who is most of the time really idiotic and untrustworthy, and be loved by all across the empire.
Then what? and why is the emperor always infatuated whats up with that? Like most emperor's of that time were fat and had many wives any way and the emperors of these mangas usually don't have a brain. Like how they become emperor when they cant even tell who is not really truthful (if that makes sense).

Im just baffled by how simple these bitchy arch-type girls climb the ranks so easily. Just a cry, fake sympathy, and a step on a mc away to the top of the chain. I can kinda get its fiction lol but at the same time if they are gonna base it on real principles
Not everyone will trust a person just because of how beautiful they are. Key word EVERYONE.. nowadays maybe so but back then a lady might get killed for that shit or just married off lol
idk it just feels fake now I cant really enjoy how augmented these authors make it to be.

For this story in particular, I have no idea why the girl HATES her, She wants to be special. Like girl okay? The antagonist has no drive so I really dont see her as a real person LOL. I would understand if she was the heroine that turned evil or vice versa. However, at this point I'd rather read a trash chinese manhua and that's bad. I dont have a clue as to why its an 8 and above. There are so MANY stories that have lower ratings and are wayyyyyy better than this which have the same story premise but depends on the eye of the beholder I guess.
Sep 26, 2020
Yeah this is actually super refreshing. Usually it's "I'll avoid my fate this time!" or "I'll live happily for sure!" or something, rarely ever is it "I'mma ruin her whole life, righteously!"
Nov 13, 2018
I want to start with I'm enjoying this and will continue to read it so long as it keeps me interested. But after reading Emallene's comment I feel the need to add on something. Another issue with these types of stories is that many of them just overlook how important the hierarchy was to their society, especially within the noble classes. The idea of a Baron's daughter with the Crown Prince? Yeah, Prince's have had to give up their right to the throne for marrying someone that low in the social rankings, because yes to them that is VERY low. A Crown Prince typically marries other Princess' or a Duke's daughter. Maybe, if he was well connected, a Marquess' daughter might get lucky. Hell a Baron's daughter could be laughed at for thinking she might marry a Duke, but in these stories it all get's tossed out the moment said stupid Prince spots the pretty girl and ignores all rules put into place. I know it's not as fun or as entertaining to follow these rules so I tend to just roll my eyes and ignore it, but so many stories over look this aspect either because it's inconvenient, or the author didn't bother finding out it even exists.

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