The guy has been established as one massive spaguettilord from day 1, which is not helped at all with how extremely touchy and delicate the topic he wants to talk is in the first place, and even so he's doing it first and foremost to honor Taichi's technically last wish, putting his dead friend over his own grief and fear of having to deal with his death directly. He could be gone about it better? For sure, but after trying to find a good moment to do so and being unable to after finally deciding to drop the hammer he simply went all in so that there's nothing interrupting him this time.
I bet everyone would be creaming themselves over this if he were a girl instead, or at the very least, wouldn't care at all about the "kidnapping".
I, for one, I'm looking forward to the emotional dam that's been about to burst for God knows how long to finally break and flood everything. And the catharsis that will come from it.