Aola Star - Parallel Universe - Ch. 47 - The Dark Winged Dragon

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 8, 2020
Well this Manhua got
dropped around chap 122. The last updated was on August 2020. I gave a read to the raws and story pretty much rushed in. Redhead becomes a queen and that schoolgirl and mc becomes lone hunter
Dec 4, 2018
@piyush123 Imagine being such an attention seeking whore that you put the same info that the translator gave us in the first chapters (about not being updated past 122) along with massive story spoilers in an unmarked spoiler tag.

Thanks for the spoilers you massive cunt. Feel free to report my direct personal attack as that’s what trash like you go for anyways.

I hope you feel like it was worth living today in your pathetic empty life.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 8, 2020
Don't know how much a retarded annoying person you are. I used spoiler tag you asshole...... That means it contains spoilers so read it at your own risk. No one compelled you to give a read to it.......... You have shit for brains and now thrashing me for spoiling it.
It looks like your mother didn't breast fed you enough milk........ Looks like i have to impregnate her again, so that your step brother/sister will get enough milk, so that their brain get enough nutrition and they think before reading the spoiler tag.
Group Leader
Jul 1, 2020
uhh... lol? I mean, you could've put in a bit more warning that you were spoiling the end of the first season but it is within spoiler tags so you're still within reason I guess (and it's honestly not really too much of a spoiler compared to some of the stuff you could've said).

Anyways... regarding what you said in the first comment... (not really any major spoilers here but I put it in tags just in case)
I'm not sure that the author has actually dropped this series yet. They haven't said anything about it. Based on how season one ends and what I know about the plot from the game, I know that they were definitely intending there to be at least a second season. The comment section on the raws is still pretty active with people saying they're waiting for s2 even though it's been like 10 months since the last chapter was posted. So will this manhua ever get a second season? who knows. maybe not. I think the author may have been having some real-life issues which is why the ending of s1 feels very rushed and why they've been on hiatus for a while. For now, I would consider the manhua "completed" but it clearly has more story that goes beyond what happens at the end of s1.

If you're interested... The story is technically still continuing, just not the story of this manhua adaptation. The mobile game gets story updates about every 2 or 3 weeks. Actually, there was a new story update just today haha. If all the story in the game were to be adapted into the manhua and it had the same pacing as what's in it so far... then this series would probably be over 700 chapters, so there's definitely not a lack of story that's available to be adapted lol.

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