When something has been translated from language L1 and incorporated into a work in language L2, which work is then translated into language L1, for the part that was originally in L1 go to the frickin' original.
Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
@Oeconomist The Beauty is truth quote is written in English in the original Chinese manhua. So the translator didn't "squiggle" it, the original author did.
Thanks for the awesome translations so far, Shino and Jungle team! I just got used to everyone’s names so now ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ gonna have to remember her as Director Zhao LMAO. Or maybe I’ll just simplify it and call her Director...
@ShinomiyaRyo -
Thank you for your hard work bringing this to us. I'll be honest, I have no idea what's going on because I'm just not very smart. I'll go back and read the whole thing and hopefully get a better idea but thank you!
Has been changed after contacting the author! Thank you for the criticism. To be honest I'm glad to see someone reading into the title pages of this manhua. I try to translate them by doing research in hopes to bring the most accurate translations! I do appreciate your input, but would be happier if you can appreciate our translations too🙂