Oct 28, 2019
Woahhhhh! I missed Approxiamate! I want to read more and moreee! Thanks for translating!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 1, 2018
Ooooh. I get the sense of betrayal she felt, but as far as I can see, earlier Qiao Fengtang stressed the part where she would do anything for her loved one, as opposed to what she presumed to be a drunken one-night stand. So cheer up, you just need to give her more time without pushing too much.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2019
“what’s on your mind?” lmaooo girl where should she begin. Anyways Fengtang and Yuxi’s arc chefs kiss.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2019
thank you so much for the new chapter I was starting to miss this series and that zany quartet of characters. Yeah I love how Feng's attempt to be supportive and a decent human being to some complete stranger in the women's restroom has in part led to her current predicament with Wei. Though on a sidenote considering their rather heartfelt conversation there which seems to have gone on for a while you would think Feng would have recognized Wei's voice after she joined the company and they started interacting more frequently. I love how moved Wei was by Feng's attempt to reach out to her, complete chad move there Feng, but it would be unfair of her to judge Feng's reaction to what she see's as a coworker and stranger taking advantage of their inebriated condition for some casual whoopee as her being a hypocrite. She clearly didn't recognize Wei and its not like they went through standard romantic protocol there and then Feng bent the knee to social pressure its that she doesn't want their peers to think she saved her just so she could then sleep with her or that she was using the party as an opportunity to get hammered and pick up a one night stand. She just needs to patient and follow through establishing a relationship with Feng and give her a chance to see if Feng will in return see her as that special someone. Or to speed things up a little she could always point out to Sis Feng hey you know that time you gave the pep talk to the sad lesbian in the bathroom stall well guess what you'll find this funny and btw I haven't been stalking you for these last few years but...
Though on a side note the moment Wei says Umu this series will become the best GL manhau ever.
Jun 14, 2020
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE UPDATE!! 😭 I was always looking forward to this. I love how things develop between Feng and Yuxi 💕goddamn love this manhua so much!! Thankyou for always working hard!
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
Hmm... I really like this chapter by itself. Particularly how it depicts Yuxi and Fengtang's relationship. Fengtang is supportive when the sexuality question is abstract, or about someone else. But as soon as its real, she gets scared and flees. Its way easier to say "Fuck society's rules" when you don't need to live through the consequences. Especially when you're living someplace like China, where social and legal LGBT support is currently very low. It also puts Yuxi's trolling in context. Yuxi sees Fengtang as a hypocrite, so she teases her, but she also wants to seduce her.

That said, this chapter is pretty heavily undermined by how rapey their one night stand was. Like, I can see what the author is going for, but in order for Fengtang to be a hypocrite, she had to choose to sleep with Yuxi. Getting her blackout drunk doesn't count. But I've already complained at length about that scene, so I'll try to roll with the retconned version depicted by this chapter.
Double-page supporter
Oct 12, 2018
@mirewitch Keep in mind that flashback convo was in the context of a established relationship, which they rather obviously didn't have by the time of the hotel exchange and it's pretty hard to blame Feng for being... apprehensive... under those circumstances. Not to mention confused as Hell. In practice Yuxi majorly jumped the gun there and likely knows it too - she should thank her lucky stars Feng's still willing to talk to her so she can try winning her over properly the long way.
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
@RNDM1 So if we roll with the framing this chapter uses, i.e. that Fengtang saw her sex with Yuxi as consensual but a mistake, then I think its understandable that Yuxi would be annoyed. Sure it was just one night but Fengtang's bold declaration that she wouldn't let society dictate who she dated was the entire basis of Yuxi's attraction to her. Seeing her blatantly reverse her view would be frustrating. I still don't blame Fengtang, since as you say one night stands are very different from relationships, but I can understand why Yuxi is frustrated.

The problem of course is that this chapter's framing is totally contradicted by chapters 8 and 9, which show Fengtang as blackout drunk and afraid, and Yuxi as a deliberate predator. That's why I say I like this chapter "by itself." In the context of the whole story it doesn't really work, and feels like an attempt to retcon the earlier chapters into something consensual. Which I guess is good, because those chapters were awful, but its hard to pretend they didn't happen.
Feb 22, 2020
@mirewitch you're missing a key point here to weng it was a random one not stand (sketchyness aside) why the hell would she risk it all for someone she just met? Who you don't know at all? She even said if it was her precious person, someone she knee and loved she would do it. So untill Yuxi can become that person why would weng even risk it?
For some random person she helped that fudged her while she was black out drunk? Ignoring the sketch of this whole ship I'm interested in where the author will take them
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
@SilentMea I said "I still don't blame Fengtang, since as you say one night stands are very different from relationships, but I can understand why Yuxi is frustrated." So I'm unsure why you think I'm missing that it was a random one night stand. Just because I empathize with Yuki's frustration doesn't mean I think Yuxi is correct. Yuxi moved way too fast and it didn't work out.

Also when you add in Yuxi's more predatory actions I don't even empathize with her, but my statement was in the context that I put "sketchiness aside".

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