Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
That mah girl is called kiss ma-.. I mean bed bug bites.... Yup. Keep being denial and think everything is just a wet dream.. XD. Why Am I rooting this ship more than the main couple. XD
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
When she thought it's just a wet dream then she saw the kiss marks lol... That kouhai is pretty wild. I bet she likes her ever since they met.
Also ladies and gentlemen this is what we called the spaghetti is straight until it's wet. XD

Thank you soooo much for the translations!!! >\\\<.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2019
She got absolutely railed by Yuxi the previous night! Honestly the fact that Fengtang was drunker than Yuxi does suck but I will pretend I do not see it, plus drunk Fengtang was caressing Yuxi and hurrying her up to undress.... anyway I love both of them.

Thanks for the update! looking forward to the next one.
Active member
Apr 8, 2020
I'm sorry for giggling like a little girl but am enjoying this very much |´∀`●)
Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
I had the same questions about relative alcohol levels as some of the other commenters so I reviewed the past couple chapters. Wei Yuxi was shown as very drunk in chapter 5, when Fengtang protected her from those guys. But then at the end of chapter 5/chapter 6 its a few hours later and while Wei Yuxi is likely still drunk, she has sobered enough to be able to walk/talk/think. In contrast Fengtang seems like she was incapacitated to the point of not being able to string sentences together. So I'm not really buying a "they were both drunk" excuse; Wei Yuxi was sober enough to know better.

This makes Wei Yuxi a giant hypocrite: She liked Fengtang because Fengtang stopped her coworkers from taking advantage of Wei Yuxi's drunkenness. Then she turns around and takes advantage of Fengtang's drunkenness? What the fuck? I really hope Fengtang calls her out on this next chapter, and that we don't just gloss over how terrible her behavior was.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 13, 2019
100% agree with mirewitch. Thought it was cute at first that Wei Yuxi was teasing her about the night, but Fengtang’s memories show Wei Yuxi is waaaaaaay too sober for this to not have been completely intentional on her part. There’s also a panel in there where Fengtang looks pretty damn lifeless as Wei Yuxi is pinning her down. So, yeah, please Fengtang bring this up. Hopefully it’s resolved well?
Double-page supporter
Oct 12, 2018
I mean the series blurb already rather strongly implies Yuxi ("[Feng's] colleague who could not care less about her own life") probably isn't Ms. Sound Life Decisions in general... it then promptly goes on to forecast their relationship as "a game of cat and mouse" so, yeah.

That said Cousin Feng doesn't exactly strike me as the sort who'd just meekly let someone yank her tail. While she's likely to be a little distracted for some time by her newly discovered sexual attraction to women - or at least a woman - that aside Yuxi probably accidentally herself a tough row to hoe here...
Apr 28, 2020
This dubcon threw me off for a bit. I thought they'd be a cutesy couple. Well, it was a good start. I just hope Fengtang confronts Yuxi about it.

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