@Albmi push kappa. more like 'lemme accidentally miss my fireball at the boss and hit Nagumo instead so that I might have a chance with Kaori because of teenage hormones'
The scenario of saving all of you in the nick of time, that kind of attack to him will never be entertained next chapter.
He was supposed to break all common sense of all persons on that floor, and be cool..
Petrification? nahhh. it is will pass by like a wind coming from electric fan
Manga looks awesome and cool than anime but still I want to thank those people who made this manga into anime thank you. Anyway thank you for the update, please continue translating this manga really love it. Thank you translators.
Of course the manga is alot behind the anime, cause they sumarized like 4 volumes of the LN in so few chapter that can't be even understandable and does no justice to the LN.
in fact Kaori dies, but Hajime gets her a new body