She did confess for real in chapter 14. Go read it again.We didn't get to see the REAL confession and the epilogue was speedrun wildly, but this wasn't a terrible wrap-up.
Well if you remember, it was only the two that were really the main culprits, the third one even signed off on the confession paper and actually tried to comfort Wakaba just before she actually started liking Haruto. Putting that aside however, their misdeeds were what introduced her to the love of her life and started her on the path to being a happier more fulfilled person. The most giga-Stacy revenge possible for them would be to thank them for their help and just being happy while they're eaten away by their own bitterness.What the hell is this ending? They are just letting those three cunts off? Fucking ruin their lives already.
I mean isn't it because of them she met the one she treasured the most a person she lovedWhat the hell is this ending? They are just letting those three cunts off? Fucking ruin their lives already.
This is what Nietzsche imagined when he conceived the overman
Dude, it's a novel adaptation, the novel is short and so is the manga.I think it got axed... for that it was a good ending, o think the guy should have being a normal dude not chubby.