I completely understand Yuu. As an RPG player, I, too, wouldn't have been able to resist the conversion attempt. Imagine how high her stats are with those combat skills! Plus the whale-raising magic! And she's a cute girl!
Saw that coming. Do still wonder if Daria is getting redeemed or if the next chapter is Asebi going berserk and finishing her off herself. The latter makes sense from a storytelling perspective, but we all know how much mangaka are afraid to kill off popular cute girls they introduce. Can't blame them too much as sometimes it's a death knell for your manga, sad as it is.
Sorry mate, only one robutt waifu at a time can be in the party.
Maybe in a later arc when he gets separated from Asebi again, and when a damaged Daria goes rogue.
It's pretty much sure now that Gram will be a veteran mentor like character to Yuu in the future.
That's the thing, why make them human shaped from a practical point of view? Were they used as infiltrators or guards and the human shape was necessary for concealment? If that's the case, why give the human shaped modules control over dragon fishes, them?
@MagiciansBlack - Asebi seems to be a modified maid robot, human shape is there to interact with humans in a friendly manner. Daria is an infiltrator robot, and is designed to be similar to humans do deceive them. (with development being what it is, they might have been made on the same factory)
Control over the dragon fishes seems to be easy - you just need a wireless network connection, computer and software - the control devices inside the fish will do the rest. I'd say that Daria has the extra computing power to be the fish command center because she is an infiltrator and needs to be extra smart. And the robed figure just promoted her to fish commander because it didn't have anybody more suitable.