Azadarake no Classmate ga Shinpai de - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
Imagine that it's revealed that in this chapter she's been talking to a teacher/police officer who's trying to help her. Yeah, maybe she's told them to piss off when they tried to check on her.

Girl, you clearly need help and are only pushing away the help. I get that we are supposed to feel sorry for her, but at this point, let's admit she's making things more difficult for herself for no reason. It's like Jesus sending a helicopter to you to get you out of a flooded area, and you refuse to go because you prayed and expect him to stop the flood instead.
The title is "I'm worried about my classmate" so it's another student. There's other things, like how they meetup in school initially, walk home together, and that she knows where they live. That actually kind of explains their actions. A teenager might do stuff like this thinking they're helping without actually thinking to get any adults or authorities involved. Some might, they might call the police or realize that if the adults ignore it to protect their reputations, then you should threaten to make the fact that they're ignoring it as public as possible or just start calling up people higher in the chain then them. (Would read a story where an mc did this and had to navigate the retaliation from the corrupt local police and school officials. Would make for a good prequel to a "honorable yakuza" or GTO style story.) However, many wouldn't and would just keep up with small, but ultimately pointless gestures. It's like the beginning of Oshi no Ko, it's reasonable for them to be blindsided by the situation but there were things they should have done and it's frustrating that they don't.

For the second part, again, they aren't actually helping. Imagine your steadily and slowly being beaten, cut up, and violated and everyone around you just keeps saying "oh that's too bad", "keep a positive attitude", "I'm praying for you" and all the such. Shits the stuff of horror movies. I could legit imagine one that ends with everyone gathered around someone as they bleed out in the middle of the street, still spouting the same platitudes.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
This is a classic complain for stories like this so let me tell you the usual excuses:
1)"Teachers shouldn't care about what's happening outside of the school" usually said by other teachers
2)If the do approach they will get hit with the "Mind your own business"
3) If they somehow do manage do get this issue to the principal he will say something like "Never speak to me about this again if you care about the name of this school/your job"
4)If SOMEHOW after all that they call the police/cps or something along those lines nothing will change because the parents will simply deny the accusations of abuse and the son/daughter will say something like "I hurt my self accidentally" (because they are afraid of the consequences of speaking up).
There is no winning. I'm starting to think that the mangaka is trying to make readers so frustrated that they go out to the streets and become advocates for child welfare
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
It's like Jesus sending a helicopter to you to get you out of a flooded area, and you refuse to go because you prayed and expect him to stop the flood instead.
One of the greatest Christian gags, asking for something flashy when there's a mundane miracle happening.

IIRC, it was a parable to illustrate it.

It went something like a guy on the roof of his house praying to god to rescue him from the flood. A guy comes by in a boat and offers to take him out of the flood area. Guy on the roof says, "No, no. God will save me." Someone else comes by. Then another. And finally a helicopter arrives and offers to lift him off the roof to safety. He denies them all because "God will be the one to save me."

He dies, of course. And when he meets with god he furiously asks why god "let him" die when he prayed to be saved. God just casually says, "I sent the guy in the boat to help you, the other guy and the helicopter crew to save you and didn't take up their offer. What more do you want?"
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2020
This happened a few times in my elementary school. Alas, they were all boys so I couldn't manipulate their affections to get laid.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
So no teacher adult other kids someone with a brain calls the police or reports this. Gonna put this series down till it finishes it’s just going in circles at this point
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018
Heyyy you, yeesss i'm pointing at you home boy. it's better for you to act than asking question everyday, please just act before crossing the bondary.
Act how, if the social services and police are reluctant to meddle in family affairs (as seems to be the norm in the very conservative Japanese society)? Shelter her for a while? That'd just result in more beatings for her and a kidnapping case.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
For anyone asking why the teachers/police aren't doing anything, search up the case of Mia Kurihara from a few years ago.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
Act how, if the social services and police are reluctant to meddle in family affairs (as seems to be the norm in the very conservative Japanese society)? Shelter her for a while? That'd just result in more beatings for her and a kidnapping case.
From what I can tell from a quick google search it's hard to move from your parents without legal consent from your guardian in Japan until you're 18. I think that usually you can when you're 16 in other Western countries, but I guess Japan is more strict about it. So basically parents own their children until they're 18 it seems.
Besides getting police and CPS on board, removing her from her mother to save her life and being sexually abused (or at least exploited for cp) would probably alleviate any charges, at least if the mother didn't want attention drawn to her. But it's really hard helping someone who doesn't want help and is locked into a mindset that they can't escape, having been manipulated and gas lighted since they were a child that they're not able to live on their own, that their life will be ruined if they tell, that they'll be killed or silenced and no one will believe them, that they're worthless and don't deserve help. The things she says to the guy is probably the same stuff her mother has told her over the years, and she's started believing it as a truth.
Honestly I've seen hard cases over the years, maybe not as severe as this but where it's obvious that the parents aren't good for the kids, but it'd probably be worse for the children to be put in foster care or an orphanage, and the children are so loyal and/or terrified of their parents that they can't deny them. You get the feeling that the kids just don't know any better. This haven't been physical abuse or sexual abuse though, but severe neglect and pretty harmful, and the kids usually suffer from mental issues and many of them start using drugs to cope. Even sadder when some start selling or using their body to get drugs from people exploiting them. It's sad to see self destruction like that, but it is what it is.
Sorry for the rant.
Dex-chan lover
May 9, 2018
So is this just going to be porn for masochists or is there actually going to be a development?
Because if it's just going to be chapter upon chapter of her berating someone... I'm out.
sadomasochist.... the term you are looking for is sadomasochist. she is getting worse each chapter yet insulting the mc. I get why. Imagine being so beaten that you are scared to trust others. I imagine she's had people who wanted to "help" her to only backstab or worse. It's happened. She just has a lot of trust issues
Apr 24, 2023
3 more chapters, if this continues without any progress or hint that this will get solve soon, I'll also drop this because this is just a torture porn at that rate. Smh 🗿

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