@strider_01 Im not really sure about that specially since those yanderes are actually very intelligent & adaptable when it comes to pursuing their goals so going digital wont save you anyway. (I know cuz Amagi, Roon & Taihou have hacked into my PC countless of times now)
That was a very sane reaction from the Commander. That said, Kaga was always my favorite over Akagi (and Amagi) anyway, so that's what I would've done from the get go.
Oh my bork, i love this chapter. Kaga's smartass snarkiness is top class yet again and the harmonized dual gap moe of Akagi being timid and getting dunked on as well as Amagi being a punchy, violent smiling terror and a bit of a domme. Hnngh, it's all just so psychotically cute and adorable.