Gonna keep reading for now. I'm still not solid on what the theme or message of this manga is going to be, but it definitely has been placing down stuff about Opera House being off it's rocker. When a "new" or normal person is intro'd into these situations or groups it's often done to show a stark contrast in how far they've gone outside the bounds of reasonable behavior and tipped off the edge but we don't have enough to see if the Second in Command is gonna be the base from which to point out their insanity or the one who gets convinced that their way is the right way and everyone else is insane. One of those is worth reading about, the other is just propping up gross nationalist sentiment. This dude normally, even making villains "cool" or have real emotions when it comes to their friends/comrades, is a bit more subtle than that so I'm interested to see where this goes and hope he rides the line well.