Pickle got insanely nerfed, like Oliva.
Oliva made sense, on paper at least, it just looked really really bad on practice because of how much of a stomp it was.
We've always been shown and told that Oliva's biggest weakness is that he fucks around and tries to play along the other person's rules at first, but when he actually fights as himself, when he plays to his own strengths, he does great.
That's why he lost to Sukune and first, and then why he won afterwards, because he actually fought as Oliva.
Here there's no excuse, they don't even say that Pickle has malnutrition from eating sewer animals only or something. No. He just stands there taking all the hits not doing anything like a retard, scratching Jack like a little girl, and then letting Jack get even more hits for free, and even despite Pickle's ridiculous durability being his thing now somehow all of Jack attacks do affect him because ??? when before in the past Pickle tanked everything no fucks given and only indirect things like benda or the chin blow could make him feel it.