What? The Blue King made Akira believe it was the cannon and that's what activated. Their power is clearly hinted at to be the same. If it's not then it's an extremely good red herring by the Author. The Blue King even hinted that Akira gave him a different ability (since he was originally thinking of 'something strong' and who knows what power Akira thought of), since he said "Not that one", and then forced Akira into believing it was the cannon by extending his hand and asking if Akira could dodge. It was clever on the Blue King's part since that split second of panic lost Akira the fight.
Akira never thought that the Blue King had the same ability as him.
I think it makes sense that he DOES have the same ability. Why?
It's been shown throughout the entire fucking arc that people CAN have the same ability, but the ability can be better or worse depending on the roll (cough*foreshadowing*cough)
Truthfully Akira comes off as somewhat idiotic, simply because he's been shown to be smarter than this.
But I'm willing to forgive that considering that Akira was exhausted by that point and he got tricked plain and simple.